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Essays 1 - 30

Proposal to Market to McBride Financial Services

firm a large target market that may be divided into different segments, where there are many of the same needs, but there may be d...

Developing Marketing for McBride

including the characteristics of the features and delivery as well as the motivation to choose one supplier over another. It is wi...


many types of research that McBride can rely on. Some suggestions include comment cards, focus groups, mail surveys and even telep...

Applications of Corporate Governance Issues to McBride Financial Services

in an accounting system that made many of the concealments that took place legal, or at least borderline, and the attitudes of tho...


when one is sitting down to dinner or that lovely, but annoying, young woman in the shopping center who approaches a customer with...

Financial Services and the Impact og the Gramm Leach Bliley Act

merger of companies, so that the market place will be dominated by large companies. This in turn will result in the necessity for ...

UK Financial Services and Marketing

In seven pages this paper examines the financial services' market in the United Kingdom in a consideration of purchase types, purc...

Fictitious Sleep Shell Product Proposal

In eight pages a marketing survey, financial information, and 4 charts are featured in this fictitious product investment proposal...

The Plan for Setting Up a New Hostel for Backpackers

the potential sources of revenue and reduce the risk associated with the project. The facilities will include a pub/bar which will...


determine our target markets. Its important to determine a target market (or even target markets) to help better prepare an organi...

Marketing Communications and the Selling of Financial Services

or something better is seen to come along that the customer may lapse the product. As there are not the sales of an actual physi...

Proposal for a New Low-Cost Airline in Oman

Hours per route 13 Figure 2; Cost of fuel per journey 14 Figure 3; Cost of fuel per hour 14 Figure 4 Total flying hours for the fi...

Business Proposal

checks on cars and replace brakes and tires when needed. The concept has is based on providing convenience for, drivers, on servic...

McBride Case Study - Problems and Solution

of accountants appointed, which is likely to mean at the internal accounting functions on likely to be compliant. Corporate gover...

Home Depot's 5 Year Marketing Plan

products but that has grown to the point where the average Home Depot store has approximately 130,000 square feet and stocks betwe...

Business Proposal for Mobile Oil Change, LLC

It appeals to businesses that have their own fleet mechanics and those that do not. Those businesses that maintain their own flee...

Barclays Bank

e-commerce, this is as high as 91% in the UK and 95% in the US (Hobley, 2001). This demonstrates a massive growth in the use of th...

Proposal for Internet Expansion of Chiropractic Office

by an alliance of 15 individual chiropractic offices in Northern California. The purpose of the proposal is to seek expansion f...

Report Proposing the Adoption of Electronic Health Records

additional costs of transcribing existing active patient records. The implementation will also incur additional operating costs,...

An Assessment and Marketing Proposal for New Student Loans

marketing is understood and the context of government backed financial products is considered to guide the way that the future mar...

Professional Marketing Services' Marketing

In five pages this paper considers how to effectively market a new professional advertising and marketing services' business in a ...

Question Three of a Reebok International Analysis

In five pages this paper discusses operations, financial ratios, marketing, and management in a Reebok International analysis....

Case Study of McDonald's

In eight pages a company case study of McDonald's includes financial performance, marketing mix, strengths and weaknesses, and glo...

Gap Customer Service and Marketing Communications

and other community events, marketing communications is another area in which the GAP can make its presence known. One way in whic...

Marketing Communications Planning Suggestions

the problem, we can then define the outcome - which is that such a lack has meant huge numbers of returns, complaints about the co...


For every good or service, there are market and economic forces that regulate supply and demand. This is no different in the healt...


base this study on commercial and high-density resident. Other things that would need to be considered are the location of...

Proposal for Marketing and Measuring Customer Satisfaction in a Local Company

stated the integrated marketing communications; "is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognises the added value...

Global Marketing of Goods and Services Nonessentials

feet. Many of the people of the world have skin the same color as Barbies, but most do not. To a child in rural China, downtown ...

The Impact of Corporate Culture on Customer Services - A Proposal for Case Study Research

The writer presents a proposal to assess the link between corporate culture at an airline and the reasons for poor levels of custo...