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Psychiatric Nursing's Role

In five pages this paper examines how psychiatric nursing's role has developed in this professional literature overview on the top...

Psychiatric Nursing and Nursing Theory

nursing. Forchuk and Dorsay (1995) and Barker, Reynolds and Stevenson (1997) identify Hildegard Peplau as the first to apply nurs...

Psychiatric Nursing Training and Reflective Practice

Irelands influence in reflective practice is now beginning to be felt around the country. Among other developments, the English N...

Psychiatric Nursing, Handling Violence

This research paper presents summaries of three research studies, that pertain to this topic. Eight pages in length, three sources...

Psychiatric Nursing and Self Disclosure for Therapeutic Purposes

many had very definite opinions on the matter as a whole, "none of the participants articulated what the process consisted of or h...

Restraint Uses in Psychiatric Nursing

Yet both organizations also observe that, sometimes, it is necessary to use seclusion and restraint, as a last resort, in order to...

Psychiatric Nursing Alternatives

they visited, and some tended to visit fairly frequently (Demling et al, 2002). Patients in general were very positive about thei...

Elements of Psychiatric Nursing Practice

who is the legal guardian, as this pertains to the legality of admitting a minor for psychiatric care. If the patient is accompani...

3 Elements of Psychiatric Nursing

cope with ethical situations primarily from experience and only minimally from formal education, which leaves novice nurses with "...

Forensic Psychiatric Nursing

endeavor. Nursing in any context requires a detailed knowledge of individual patients. Specifically, a forensic nurse will have a...

ADHD and the Role of the Psychiatric Nurse

motor vehicle crashes, substance abuse, and illegal behavior" (Visser, Lesesne and Perou, 2007, S99). Symptoms include irritabili...

Cunningham's The Hours/Implications for Healthcare

not only relates to the societal restrictions with which women had to contend in regards to their expected societal roles, but it ...

Relationship Between Psychiatric Nurse and Patient

formulation with others, testing new behaviors, integrating this learning into "new, more satisfying behavior, and then using thes...

Combating Ageism, Nursing's Role

This research paper discusses the effect that ageism has on health care provision for older adults. Twelve pages in length, eight ...

Integrating EHR into Practice: Nursing's Role

This paper discusses Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and the role that nurses play in implementing and utilizing these record sy...

Quality of Life and the Role of Nursing

Conroy and Nottoli (1999) report the case of Henry, an irascible octogenarian who easily was the most difficult patient in the ski...

Chlamydia Treatment and Prevention and the Role of Public Health Nurses

In five pages this illness is examined in terms of the role played by the public health nurse regarding issues of treatment and pr...

Inferential Statistics and Nursing Research

the variances in the aspect of disease incidence that they are researching, they typically also wish to formulate inferences based...

Neuman and Rogers Systems Model Application

the realization of the "dehumanizing" of patients that led to them being referred to as "Bed x," "Case x" or some other nameless, ...

The Potential Issues and Career Possibilities for Up and Coming Nursing Professionals

Fifteen pages and 8 sources. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the information available about job opportunities fo...

Family Nurse Practitioner Role

This research paper discusses the role of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). The writer discusses nursing meta-paradigm concepts, ...

Group Process/Nursing

(2003) gives the example of an nurse assigned to a busy intensive care unit (ICU) began experiencing clear signs of traumatic stre...

7 Nursing Theory Issues

patient was in a significant amount of pain, he made jokes throughout his entire stay, as family members remained at his bedside. ...

Scope of Practice and APN Roles

This research paper presents an examination of nursing empirical literature that covers a number of issues relevant to advanced pr...

Community Health & Teen Pregnancy

situation. As a provider of care, it is the role of the community health nurse to address the needs of Centerville adolescents i...

Case Analysis-A Girl with Alopecia

depressed mood and at least two of the following symptoms: "poor appetite or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fa...

Leadership and Management in Nursing

management, in recent years, has been quite extensive. This body of empirical evidence and commentary largely supports the concept...

An Overview of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

demonize others. Most share an impulsive nature but generally tend to differ in their style of emotional response. Ironically, t...

Nursing Manager, An Interview

This hypothetical interview provides students with an example of how an interview with a nursing manager might be described. The m...

Nursing Questions

with other organizations in order to achieve health objectives. For example, community-based resources may be used in conjunction...