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Essays 1 - 30

Psychosocial Factors Impacting the Intellectual Function of the Aged

Numerous factors determine whether we continue to develop socially and cognitively in our golden years. There is one source liste...

Bipolar Effect on Learning

& Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 2007). The advanced imaging technologies have allowed scientists to scan the brains of bipolar p...

Working Conditions Can Impact Quality of Life

This paper has two sections: psychosocial factors that affect health and an appraisal of two journal articles. The first section p...

World Trade Organization's Function and Structure

the shortcomings and loopholes which had become evident during the years of GATTs implementation could be resolved and improved up...

History of Aging

has long been recognized that people do not age at the same rate. In early modern Europe, the period during which a person is cons...

Health and the Impacts of Psychosocial Factors

In fifteen pages this paper discusses the impact of psychosocial factors upon health. Six sources are cited in the bibliography....

Influences on Management Functions in McDonalds

corporate level, but also a store level, when planning the staffing rotas. Internal influences may come from individual employees ...

Adolescent Self Concept

interpret and organize information in a way which leads to the development of a stable idea of "self". They note that Erikson (196...

Traumatic Event and a Consideration of Psychosocial Factors

environmental factors (familial, social resources) and the individuals holistic composition (mental health, developmental level, t...

The Roller Coaster Ride of Unemployment

of the WTC attacks" (Parrott, 2002). In addition, the Bush administration has done nothing to stop companies from sending jobs off...

Children and the Psychosocial Effects of Television Violence

to real-world violence, and thereby less empathetic to the pain and suffering of others (Chidley 37). Observations of teenagers re...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A Literature-Based Review

effective. In order to gain such an understanding, it is crucial for professionals to engage in reviews of existing literature so ...

African Slaves and the Their Subtle and Intellectual Approaches to Rebellion

In five pages this paper examines the intellectual and subtle approaches to rebellion espoused by some African slaves....

Church and State in the 1992 U.S. Supreme Court Case of Lee v. Weisman 505

In eight pages this paper discusses whether or not the First Amendment rights are being violated by a school function's religious ...

HIV/AIDS and the Psychological and Psychosocial Impacts of the Disease

6 pages and 6 sources. This paper considers the potential impacts of HIV/AIDS infection with a specific focus on the psychologica...

Student's Religious Studies' Intellectual Journal

S/he reveals that the professor opted not to talk about Judaism because there were Jews in the class, and in the students opinion,...

Pursuing and Improving the Soul According to Socrates

control of the United States and establish a dictatorship. Most women in Gilead are infertile after repeated exposure to pesticide...

How Potassium and Calcium Function in the Human Body

The writer discusses the various functions of calcium and potassium in the body and also how disruption of homeostasis in regards ...

How Mental Agility Can be Achieved During the Aging Process

phenomena occur in the brain and are directly associated with the hippocampus area in particular. The physiology of the phenomena...

The Impacts of Caffeine on Human Behavior

11 pages and 6 sources. This paper provides an overview of the impacts of caffeine on human physiology, with a specific view of t...

How to Retain Cognitive Abilities as We Age

This research paper presents a discussion of aging and how it affects cognitive function. The realities of cognitive aging are des...

Planning and the External Environment

met. To consider the way planning takes place at all levels the process itself and the approaches can be examined. Mintzberg (et...

Functioning of a Single Parent Household

by the therapeutic community. The term "nuclear family" brings to mind the American concept of the ideal family, of the mot...

Family and Psychosocial Functioning

by which she leads her life does not give them the right to judge her. This absence of fellowship within the familial structure i...

Importance of Cardiac Action Potential

procedure not simply passive diffusion. Typically the cell membranes in a living organism are selectively permeable. That is the...

Overview of the Human Liver

the rest of the bodys physiology and is sensitive to a number of impacts including toxification through such activities as alcohol...

Children Ages 7 to 11 and Positive Environmental Influences

(Kwon & Yawkey, 2000). Freudian theory would spark interest in terms of how the environment would affect emotional impulses as wel...

Overview of Short Term Memory Loss Research

appropriate, but notes that there are no pharmaceutical treatments available specifically for short term memory loss. The c...

Market Changes in Kuwait Resulting from Changes in Population Numbers

continue improving over the next 25 years. By the year 2035 there is an expected population of 459,689 over the age of 50 years (U...

Student Supplied Psychoeducational Report

* Attention, Organization and Processing: Juliettes abilities in pair cancellation, auditory attention, planning, and processing s...