YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Readings of the Old Testament Books of Genesis Samuel Ruth and Judges

Essays 1 - 30

Readings of the Old Testament Books of Genesis, Samuel, Ruth, and Judges

was not of Gods people. This, along with other social expectations, brought about a clear division of the people and set the stage...

Old Testament Book of Samuel Questions

In this paper, well review some of the connections between God and the leaders of Samuel, and determine how God related to those l...

Book of Judges

was dictated by the author or that every word is a word of God directed to human for their salvation," as many of the words in the...

The Biblical Ruth

meeting with the other man, calling in elders and others to witness the exchange. The other man renounces his claim and takes off ...

Old Testament Questions

a religious leader to one ruled by a king, that is, a political leader. Sauls downfall as a ruler is considered to be tragic in th...

The Bible - Fact or Fiction?

This 8 page paper considers whether the Bible is fact or myth, and whether or not it provides an accurate account of real people a...

Old Testament Book of Jeremiah

In six pages this oldest Old Testament text is analyzed in terms of the ministry of Jeremiah, the times, and how these verses rela...

Old Testament Book Of Ruth

(Ruth 1:3). The sons married Moab women but about ten years later, both sons died (Ruth 1:3). Ruth was one of the widows of Naomis...

Book of Hebrews in the New Testament and How the Teachings of the Old Testament are Utilized

and they therefore are telling their stories from that point forth. While the Old Testament looks forward to Jesus, the New Testa...

Salvation and the Old Testament

this account of Jesus ministry portrays it as a "coherent judgment comprising sin, chastisement and restoration" (Clifford and Ana...

Old Testament Canon Development

by various members of the Hebrew-Jewish community between the 12th century B.C. and the beginning of the Christian era (Larue). Th...

Covenants and the Book of Ruth

in. She only wants to obey and to serve. In this manner she transcends the one covenant. And, on the other side, she demonstrates ...

Standards to Live Up to Based Upon Philosophies and Theories

In five pages this paper discusses how human standards can be lived up to in a consideration of the Old Testament's unrighteousnes...

Book of Daniel Analysis

In a paper consisting of twenty five pages the Old Testament's Book of Daniel is extensively analyzed and presents the argument su...

Analysis of the Book of Job

In eight pages this essay analyzes the Old Testament's Book of Job. There are no other sources listed....

Introduction to Old Testament Wisdom by Ceresko

book touches on many mundane matters. How to get through life and understand its wrath is truly lifes most contemplated topics and...

Message of Jeremiah Reflects His Life

In eight pages the Old Testament's Book of Jeremiah is analyzed in terms of how the prophetic messages of Jeremiah were reflection...

Book of Jonah in the Old Testament

than obey the command. A series of events finds Jonah in the belly of a great fish where he prays; he is spit up from the fish and...

Book of Daniel in the Bible's Old Testament

In five pages this paper presents chapter summaries and interpretations of the Old Testament's Book of Daniel. Three sources are ...

Discussion of the Old Testament's Book of Jonah

the ship and all on board. The mariners were obviously of mixed nationalities because they all honored different gods.. Each man...

The Importance Of Nehemiah

out by Nehemiah in two sets, initially and then, upon his return (Eastons Bible Dictionary, 1897). The Book of Nehemiah informs t...

Theology of the Old Testament

In thirteen pages this paper examines Child's Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Chris...

Godly Encounters

means "face of God" (NIV). These verses record that a "man" (exact origin is unstated) wrestled with Jacob until daybreak. Jacob ...

Proverbs, Job & Ecclesiastes

chapters, which are made up wise sayings, consisting of two lines of poetry. The majority of the book is attributed to King Solomo...

God and Sin

God says, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil" and then "sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to til...

Christ's and God's Images

reflecting the image of Christ? An examination of scripture reveals that these two ideas are not contradictory. Rather, the idea o...

Book of Esther

no historical value to the Book of Esther and that it is a "work of the imagination, written for the purpose of popularizing the f...

Essays on the Bible

In seven pages this essay examines several Old and New Testament books and includes the four gospels, and books on Ecclesiastes, D...

Old Testament Books of Jonah, Amos, and Hosea

In six pages this paper examines these Old Testament prophet books in terms of their names' meaning and also contrasts and compare...

The Need for Hard-Back Books

numbers. Sometimes, those who digitize these books number the paragraphs, but often they do not. Most of the books in Project Gute...