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Essays 1 - 30

Recidivism in the United States

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at prison recidivism. Issues of racial disparity in recidivism are also noted. Paper u...

State Responsibility and International Law

In six pages this paper uses student submitted case information in an examination of aliens and state responsibility in an intern...

Literature on Inmate Reform

that there is a growing body of research data that indicates that rehabilitation and/or reformation through the process of incarce...

Judicial Reasoning and the Views of Jerome Frank and Karl Llewellyn

In eight pages this paper examines the theoretical perspectives of persuasion, doctrine development and constitutionality as conce...

Analyses of 3 US Supreme Court Decisions

In nine pages United States v. Brockamp, Atherton v. FDIC, and O'Gilvie & O'Gilvie (minors) v United States and Kevin O'Gilvie...

US and Japan Trade Conflict

In ten pages this paper discusses the contemporary historical trade conflict between Japan and the United States....

Truck Driving Laws

operate trucks only within a state are "only subject to rules at the state level" ("Why Arent Trucking Laws National in Scope?"). ...

Policing in the United States and Austria

control. The United States Patriot Act was designed in such a way that it refocused policing processes on federal levels of contr...

Review of Cotton Belt to Sun Belt by Bruce Schulman

in Southern states, rather than Northern ones). But Roosevelt wasnt helping the South out of the goodness of his heart - h...

Family Differences and Cultural Values

Such a person would not have felt any need to leave his beloved homeland, and his sons desire to do so would have been traumatic f...

Superpower Status of China

the low-end retailers like Wal-Mart are able to supply inexpensive goods, low income Americans will remain satisfied and uncritica...

Connectivity, External and Internal Drive Bays

front panel." Kozierok (2001) also explains that the term "external drive bay" is a "bit of a misnomer" in that the term ex...

United Kingdom and United States' Private Printing and Vanity Publishing Industries

talent and new innovative ideas. It is worth noting that texts which are printed privately do not only include the experimental ...

United Kingdom and United States' Treatments for Substance Abuse

In six pages this paper considers substance abuse treatment options in these countries with the workplace setting the primary focu...

Cost Effectiveness, Recidivism, and Standard Prison Settings v. Shock Incarceration Prison Camps

In twelve pages this paper assesses these two alternatives on the basis of recidivism and cost effectiveness with trends apparentl...

Programs To Reduce Recidivism

Law enforcement makes it very clear what will happen if the person is arrested again.7 After the panel sessions, a case worker is ...

Interest Groups in the United States: Are They Too Powerful?

(p. 80). Applying his checks and balances principle to interest groups, James Madison believed that there would be so man...

Border Control: United States and Mexico

clearly has an affect on taxing in the United States. And, the taxing is not just involved through the situations noted above, but...

Corporate Governance and Industrial Relations

and poor, and despite the existence of trade unions, poor representation of workers rights and workers interests in comparison to ...

Steel Industry

falls in the stock markets, including steel companies. This movement to share prices in response to external influences reflects ...

Examining the U.S. Constitution

Few documents since the Magna Carta have had such a profound influence on social and political history as the Constitution of the ...

United Kingdom, Monopolies, and Perfect Competition

firms; with no need to differentiate ones offerings, ideally there should be no promotion or advertising; if there is, its a waste...

Biography of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt

other first ladies of this or any other time. The concept of first lady leadership is easy to define, but it is not as easy to ex...

3 Questions on Possible Contract Breaches in International Shipping

In seven pages this paper examines 3 contracts between a purchaser from the United States and a United Kingdom supplier with issue...

5 Countries, Media Industries and Telecommunications' Stakeholder Interests

When we consider the range of stakeholders some can be seen more direct than others. Stakeholders are those who have an interest i...

Laws for Sex Offenses

(not conducted by individuals who have designed treatment programs), differ enormously, but even so, they still offer no evidence ...

Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan and the Contemporary Police State

This 5 page paper argues that Thomas Hobbes' classic work Leviathan and its negative view of what he called the state of nature is...

U.S. and the Rights of States

about. The issue of state power versus central power has been significant throughout American history, but was most significant d...

Christianity Today

Christianity is and always has been the dominant religious preference in the United States. It was founded on the philosophy of r...

Bilateral Trade between United Kingdom and United States

largest partnership in terms of foreign direct investment. In 2010 the US had a total investment in the UK of $309.4 billion while...