YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Research into the Genetic Causes and Effects of Alcoholism
Essays 1 - 30
This research paper indicates the considerable progress that has been made in regards to the biological foundation of risk for alc...
more common than single-gene disorders, tend to involve multiple genes, also include significant environmental factors, and are as...
In eight pages this paper examines the US abuse of alcohol in a consideration of causes, psychological and social effects, and tre...
the social costs." The remedy has been to treat the victims of alcohol abuse rather than to challenge the strong economic and poli...
In fifteen pages alcoholism is examined in terms of its effect on children with a current literature review featured in this resea...
In five pages a hypothetical case study is presented involving an insurance company's interest in genetic testing with references ...
the head, cheekbones and jaws which were enlarged, lips that protruded and abnormal teeth along with dark skin (Jones, 2006; Willi...
concerning controlling natural sources of pollutants and it is also a definition that recognizes the serious impact that human act...
have been associated with NRTIs, which are believed to cause mitochondrial dysfunction, which range from oxidative damage to inhib...
This 2 page paper gives an overview of how a person's genetic makeup and the environment they live in can effect their health. Thi...
This paper examines social problems' causes and effects from a theoretical perspective in five pages....
employer that a potential employee is able to develop a goal -- and to stick to it; which is an important attribute in any job....
designed to do. These researchers believe they may have discovered something new about the transport process and recommend their c...
to certain diseases (Wastyn and Wastyn, 1997). According to a study performed by Kenneth Blum and his colleagues at the Universit...
loss of control and inability to stop drinking once begun are symptoms that might be present. Suffering from withdrawal symptoms,...
In nine pages alcoholism is sociologically analyzed with sections including social problem statement, paternal relevance, proble...
In eight pages the environmental and genetic causes of teen alcohol usage are featured prominently in this study proposal based up...
twin research (Joseph, 2010b). However, the EEA is controversial because it posits that the same environment and psychological b...
fewer than 200,000 inmates (Golembeski and Fullilove, 2005). The Washington Post reported on December 1, 2006 that the U.S. prison...
lifetime, 27% of the population will suffer from a substance abuse disorder....Ninety five percent of alcoholics die of their dise...
This research paper pertains to aspects of genetic research and genetic therapies that are relevant to nursing practice. Eight pag...
indicates that, "Genetics and family history are increasingly thought to play a significant role in whether a person develops alco...
This research paper discusses in five pages alcoholism and its causes and includes sociological, physiological, and psychological ...
This research paper offers an overview of alcoholism as it describes the causes, damage to the body and the treatment of this dise...
parents have a heightened probability of developing alcoholism than do children of nonalcoholic parents (Grucza and Bierut 172). ...
and forgetful. It can be a very serious problem for the elderly who are often on a smorgasbord of necessary pills to treat a varie...
In five pages alcoholism is examined from a genetic perspective and psychological and biological aspects are employed as supportiv...
In a paper consisting of five pages the genetic studies are compared with behavioral and environmental studies to conclude that al...
In ten pages this paper discusses how psychology has been impacted by scientific materialism reliance with a consideration of chil...
C, and HIV (Health Effects 2). It can also cause nutritional issues, lead to alcohol poisoning, cause psychological problems, and...