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Essays 1 - 30

Rhetoric Theory and the Contributions of Stephen Toulmin's Principles

In six pages this paper examines how rhetoric theory and its development were influenced by Stephen Toulmin's principles. Six sou...

A Review of Cosmopolis by Stephen Toulmin

A 10 page essay reviewing the book by Stephen Toulmin. 2 sources....

Two Euthanasia Arguments Compared

The arguments presented regarding euthanasia are based on the differing ideas that there is a crucial distinction between "passive...

Advertising Analysis With Toulmin's Model

and well being, which it openly attributes to making the right decisions in life. The companys "Just Do It" marketing campaign wa...

Presidential Campaigning, the Toulmin Argument, Jeremy Bentham, and David Hume

In five pages this report contrasts and compares the conservative Bentham with the liberal Hume and then applies their concepts to...

Stephen Toulmin's Perceptions of a Speech by George Bush

argument. The rebuttal admits to those circumstances or situations where the argument would not hold. The Toulmin model has limit...

Covey's Leadership Style

proactive as well as responsible (Covey, 1991). These four dimensions or factors are interdependent. They work in concert with eac...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Toulmin Analysis of an Ad

having a "remarkable concentration of antioxidants including twice as many antioxidants as blueberries..." ("Quick-Loss AcaiBurn"...

Toulmin's Analysis and Advertising

a sense, it may rightfully be called that; the purpose of advertising, after all, is to persuade the viewer of some argumentative ...


Examines three principles from Colin Powell's 13 leadership principles. This is a 3-page paper....

Literary Treatment of Darwinism

In ten pages this paper examines how the theories of Charles Darwin have been represented in literature in a consideration of crit...

Ainsworth/Attachment Theory

following discussion of attachment theory, which particularly focuses on the contributions of Ainsworth, offers an overview of it...

Federal Express Total Quality Management Case Study

their way of life: 1. The level of customer satisfaction increases and satisfied customers bring more business, which ensures the ...

The Peter Principle And Human Resource Management

to do with the inertia of hierarchies in any type of organization wherein those who are promoted are not innovative but rather, th...

The Ethnic Myth by Steinberg

involvement. He indicates that the Native American population was not like other regions that the Europeans had colonized, for the...

Strategies to Survive and 'The Open Boat' by Stephen Crane

this situation held certain peril for these men. Second, the omniscient view has allowed Crane to describe, in a birds eye...

Review of the Film Version of Stephen King's The Green Mile

we see an older man who doesnt sleep well at night any more; his long walks and an old clip of Fred and Ginger dressed in their fi...

Slavery in the First and Seventh Lincoln-Douglas Debates

This paper examines the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in terms of how the first and seventh debates dealt wi...

An Overview of Dirty White Boys

is somewhat of Pyles slave. His name is Richard and he is a clearly psychopathic killer as well as an artist. He draws pictures th...

Visual Rhetoric

response of viewers to the picture of the crowd at the candlelight memorial at Virginia Tech? Communications scholar Sonja K. Fo...

Tornstam's Gerotranscendence Theory

formulated by Lars Tornstam, a Swedish professor of sociology, has provided a new conceptualization of aging, as this theory perce...

Practice and Theories on Human Resource Management

The concept of reality and rhetoric is not new, since the development of research into HRM there have been lags due to a number of...

Specific Leadership Theories

the mid- to late-1960s. Burns identified the difference between transactional and transformational leadership theories. In 1968, B...

Astronomy's Modern Era and Famous Astronomers

the great discoveries of the twentieth century. What this discovery led to was the theory that black holes are not really black, ...

"Craziness and Criminal Responsibility" by Stephen Morse

This essay reviews and critiques "Craziness and Criminal Responsibility" by Stephen Morse, which pertains to the legal principle ...

Festinger's Theory

There have been many important contributions to social psychology. Many scholars state that the most important theory in the field...

Campaign Rhetoric in the 1992 Presidential Race

most powerful men in the world. Those who seek the seat are willing to go the limit to obtain it. The United States presidential...

Cultural Diversity and Human Communication Theories

In seven pages this paper discusses immigrant issues in an examination of human communication theories which includes self social ...

Feminist Movement's Rhetoric

In five pages this paper discusses the feminist movement in a consideration of its rhetoric's implications. Three sources are cit...