Essays 1 - 30
to a destination (though there may be two or three changes in the meantime) rather than to a major city "hub," which then branches...
The reference librarian can be of assistance in this regard if the student is unfamiliar with how to locate material in their scho...
Discusses quality differences between American Airlines (a global competitor) and Southwest Airlines (a local competitor). There a...
AMR, in the meantime, is also a domestic carrier with a strong international emphasis. In an attempt to strengthen international o...
all senior level managers and executives are expected to get out in the field to talk with employees. Added to all of this,...
As management gurus were espousing customer satisfaction and approval as the end goals of all business activity at the height of t...
holidays - and giving kudos and thanks to the schedulers who made it happen. The blog includes various routes that will see some e...
really belong at this company. The only problem with the strategy is this - that not all employees like the idea of being "empower...
SWA works toward creating value for its employees, then converting some of that value to customer service, while encouraging behav...
2005). Even more interesting is that the "customer is always right" concept isnt true at Southwest Airlines (Taylor, 2005). "We ma...
job into its smallest pieces" and selecting the most qualified employees for the job and training them to do it (The evolution of ...
Mintzberg et al, 1998). Successful and effective risk management may even be the source of a competitive advantage (Rose, 2001, P...
Airlines Co., 2008) Threats * Uncertainty in fuel prices * Intense competition and competitors concessions gained in bankruptcy * ...
maintenance costs does not mean it is always true, and as such it needs to be assessed whether or not it is true in this case. Not...
management absolutely needed to convey to employees "that what they do matters. Thats why we share with employees the letters we g...
Southwest is one of the US airline success stories, at a time when there is consolidation the airline industry Southwest may have ...
target market profile is reflected in the way that the organization prices and markets its product. The secondary market or leisur...
seen as a maturing industry, and can intensify competition among the largest remaining firms (Hooley et al.,, 2007). The airline i...
best of both worlds in times of strong growth. Ireland has immensely favorable policies designed to encourage business inve...
spirit, that the company regrouped, restructured and in many instances showing a profit despite the ongoing hostilities with bin L...
serving America Wests chosen markets were more varied in their equipment use, and therefore in their need to ensure various qualif...
Arthur Baird joined the pair - McMaster as a source of funding and a link to wealthy potential investors, Baird as aircraft mechan...
information systems. Even with these techniques, Zea (2002) argues that airlines in general have done little to manage risk...
as a top airline due to its geography and technology with the only factors hampering its further growth and global impact being ca...
is an important topic when reviewing any region. Airlines are again, an important part of the transportation sector and something ...
may have helped these three airlines, they have a new problem in that: "Now, management must reach out to rank-and-file workers, w...
fly, thereby saving time and energy they would have to expend to drive for three or four hours (Robinson, 2000). Organizational a...
genius; keeping them, however, is often a much more difficult equation. "We market ourselves based on the personality and spirit ...
and basic underlying assumptions (Leading Teams into the Future, 2003). Artifacts are visible organizational structures. Espouse...
for those who do not will not stress them to subordinates and likely will not actively work for them themselves. Innovatio...