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Searching for Urban Theology

This paper presents a book review of City of God, City of Satan by Linthicum. The main ideas in the book are reported as are the r...

Thoughts for Theologians in Cities

This essay defines and discusses urban theology. It discusses cities and urban areas in the Bible and in today’s society. The essa...

A Historical and Theological View of Urban Renewal in Lupton's "Renewing the City"

tells Nehemiahs story in dramatic terms. The story goes thus: After invasions by Nebuchednezzar, the city of Jerusalem lay in comp...

Pastoring in the City

This paper reports an interview with an urban pastor. The writer identifies the pastor's theology and philosophy and provides a lo...

Differentiate between Apologetics and Fundamental Theology

The entitled issue and 24 other issues are discussed in this essay. The issues are related to theology including fundamental theol...

Theology of Missions

New Testament is diverse and encompasses multiple and, sometimes, conflicting perspectives. One of the most intriguing of these ...

Factors Leading to Urban Sprawl

This 8 page paper discusses some of the factors that lead to urban sprawl. The writer argues that urban sprawl can have a negative...

New Search Engine for the Chinese Market

relevant influences that will reflect in the potential search engine user need. The market is China is one that is growing rapid...

Missions, Theology, Praxis

praxis means different things to different people. Some believe praxis is a way to acquire truth and that praxis may even be a mod...

Urban Art as a Reflection of Urban Culture

This 5 page paper examines the concept of urban art. The writer argues that the term is ambiguous, but is usually understood to me...

Urban Planning & Participation by the Public

associated with collaboration. This paper will provide a brief overview of the process, in addition to identifying lessons and val...

Urban Planning, the Role of the Public

PG). Those buildings collectively comprise cities, in which increasing numbers of people live. By 2015, the United Nations (UN) ...

Search and Seizure: Searching Vehicles as a Part of Apprehension and Arrest

observed passing objects back and forth between themselves and individuals outside the car it is not unreasonable for a police off...

Comparing Search Engines; Dogpile and Kartoo

clicking on links for web, images, audio, video and news. Going to the advanced search preferences it is possible to speci...

Overview of Natural Language Searching

In five pages this paper examines natural language searching in terms of definition, uses, and development with the significance o...

Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl

In five pages this paper examines this question 'For Frankl, is the human search for meaning necessarily a religious search?' with...

Literary Evidence of American Society in the Early Twentieth Century

In a paper consisting of ten pages the different perspectives of the texts The City Wilderness by Robert Woods, The Origins of the...

1968 Case Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 20 L.Ed.2d 889

In four pages this U.S. legal brief involves such issues as the Fourth Amendment and search and seizure with probable cause....

Leisure and Work in 1900 to 1920 Urban US

This paper discusses early 20th century leisure and work as conceptualized in urban America in a consideration of Kathy Peiss' 'Le...

The Way in Which Technology and Telecommunications Have Transformed Urban Spaces

This 14 page paper discusses the way in which technology and telecommunications have transformed the urban environment, which is w...

Herbert Gans/Urban Villagers

slum" and while its residents had their own problems, these difficulties did not evolve from living in this neighborhood (Gans xiv...

Politics of Development in 3 Cities

pivoting around issues concerning one Petersons key areas, that is, the politics of development. A principal point of DeLeons anal...

Urban Outfitters

2008). Other stores opened in the interim, however. The company established its Free People wholesale division in 1984 and...


This is not to suggest that families cant be trendy or countercultural. But the problem with anything trendy or countercultural is...

Revision of Essay on 'Progress' and Environmental Destruction

for clean-up, the bottles and plates end up becoming trash, which ends up clogging landfills (and filling landfills) and ends up t...

Urban Planning

In five pages this paper considers holistic alternatives to urban planning with a diagram targeting the congestion of inner cities...

Homeless Population in San Diego, California

In five pages this paper discusses rural and urban homeless in San Diego and throughout the U.S. Four sources are cited in the bi...

Theology of C.S. Lewis

seen in the Narnia series. For example, in the Narnia stories, a principal character is Aslan, the "Lord of the Wood," is a "Chri...

The United Church Of Canada

one traces the history of each of the three denominations in the country. The Methodists and the Presbyterians were highly organiz...

Hierarchical Church And Liberation Theology

church. The laws and regulations may change but those changes take a very long time. Our society has changed dramatically over t...