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Essays 1 - 30

Sears: Electronic Versus Print Marketing

evaluating Sears, for example, a firm that is well known to the majority of Americans, is its brand image truly successful? How do...

Overview of

In ten pages this paper considers the electronic meeting point between printing customers and the print industry in this examinati...

Changes at Sears

strategy to increase Sears bottom line. Sears has suffered with a declining market share for years even in their core product ca...

Wal Mart and Its Electronic and Print Marketing

the new 30. Hence, marketers are jumping on that bandwagon as they realize that those in that age bracket have money to spend. Cun...

Electronic Media and Direct Marketing

of millions of potential consumers with few barriers (Phelan, 1996). This saw an initial rise of the use of marketing through the ...

Strategic Audit of Sears

on the Internet (Halligan, 2002). * This marriage also gives Lands End face-to-face consumer exposure wherein consumers can try on...

Printing Company's Complex Financial Decisions

long term may also be considered, allowing for the ease with which a new long term income generation may be developed and replace ...

Sears' New Directions

In sixteen pages this paper examines the future course being charted by a Sears' retailer with past troubles and how they were sur...


Offers an overview of Sears Holdings (which was created when Kmart acquired Sears in the mid-2000s). There are 5 sources listed in...

Advertising and Consumerism

young people. For example, one of the largest issues that people have with print media advertising is the images it presents to yo...

AAVE Debates and Linguistics Terminology

In six pages contemporary linguistics are examined in a terminology overview that includes register versus dialect, descriptive ve...

Mass Media Content and Internet Publishing

In five pages this paper examines the increase in online publishers and considers what this means in terms of media content in ter...

Electronic Media and Books

wave of the future. Computers have, in fact, become one of the most innovative and captivating educational tools currently in use...

The Likely Effects Of E-Commerce On The Future Of Book Publishing

issues may still have the potential for a very large impact. The idea of the e-book is that a book may be bought in electronic f...

Advertising and Popular Culture

goes on to say that "the argument here is that advertising, while sharing many attributes with popular culture, is a categorically...

Reading Text: Electronic Versus Paper

This 5 page paper gives an explanation of reading electronic text versus reading hard copy text. This paper includes studies about...

Inspectors General Limited to Investigating

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 addressed privacy and electronic communication. It limits what law enforcement c...

Stephen W. Sears' Landscape Turned Red

In five pages a review of this historical text that examines the Civil War Battle of Antietam is presented. There are no other so...

Email, Ecommerce, and the Internet

In six pages this essay discusses the behavioral impact of the Internet in a consideration of electronic commerce and email....

Sears, Roebuck and Company Today

stores. The largest portion of the catalog operation was dismantled, taking with it an American tradition. However, in 199...

Study of IMC

of focusing on geography, products and services (ADWEEK, 2000). Kliatchko commented that Integrated Marketing Communications has ...

Merger Between K Mart and Sears

merger has yet to actually take place (though approval seems to have been obtained), many experts, needless to say, have many ques...

Light versus Dark, Appearances versus Reality, and Order versus Chaos in Othello by William Shakespeare

leave his new bride to wage war in Cyprus. The departure, though bittersweet, returns Othello to familiar territory that renews h...

Twenty-First Century E-Marketing Approaches

offers to find the "perfect" consumer for a particular product or service. Karpinski (2003) explains that doing that is "the Holy ...

Dakota National Air Case Study Analysis

a network security services company, these unwelcome security breaches have been a regular occurrence within industry and governme...

Launching A New Grill

gained in the different areas (Douglas and Wind 1987). When considered in this context there do appear to be arguments in favour o...

Coke IMC Plan

soft drink. Further, younger consumers generally have fewer concerns over weight. Younger consumers greater levels of phys...

Printing Industry in Australia

part of the economy. For the most part the structure is fragmented with a large number of printers remaining small to medium-sized...


image, as a relief involves carving away parts of the matrix ("About") A wood cut is an example of a relief print and an etching i...

Development of 3D Printing

The paper is made up of 6 slides that outline issues associated with 3D printing. The invention is presented along and then the w...