YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Self Assurance in the Works of Zora Neale Hurston

Essays 241 - 270

The Impact of Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control on Decision Making

entirely of decisions. Given an infinitely capacious intellect such as the infamous Laplaces Demon, it may well even be possible t...

The Self-Control Theory of Crime: Addressing the Criticisms

the extent to which the self-control theory of crime can be said to be valid. This paragraph helps the student give an overview o...

Intrapersonal Communication and Self-Talk

performance both academically and professionally. This paragraph helps the student begin to explore the concept of self-talk in p...

Disparities Between Real and Ideal Self

that distress and neuroses stem directly from a discrepancy or disparity between the ideal self (or the self as one perceives it) ...

Mass Media, Negative Influences, and the Self

This paper discusses the theories of Freud and Lasch as they relate to the potential negative impact of mass media on self-esteem ...

Self Esteem and Gender

In five pages this paper discusses how the expectations of society exerts a profound influence over adolescent self perception in ...

Kenneth J. Gergen's The Saturated Self Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Life and The Hunt for Red October

This paper consists of sixteen pages and applies Gergen's statement 'The fully saturated self becomes no self at all' to the film ...

Virtue and Self-Discipline in Toni Morrison's Sula

This 5 page paper explores the concepts of virtue and self-discipline and how self-discipline applies to virtue in Toni Morrison's...

School Girls by Peggy Orenstein

In five pages this text that discusses junior high girls' decreased self confidence and self esteem is analyzed. There are no oth...

The March of Folly by Barbara Tuchman

politics, if at all? (Happ ppg). Folly Tuchman indicated in her book that one of the criteria for the misgovernment to be classif...

Personal Development of Management

In seven pages the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is evaluated in terms of its improvement of leadership abilities and increased self...

Androgynous Female Adolescents and Self-Image

This paper addresses the issue of self-image among androgynous, female adolescents. The author contends that androgynous female a...

Self Concept According to George Herbert Mead

In five pages Mead's self concept is examined in I and Me definition applications along with social cultural nature of self also c...

lEnglish leaders/Elizabeth I and Cromwell

Queen Elizabeth I and Oliver Cromwell are two of the most significant leaders in English history. Relyng on two major biographies ...

A Self Examination and Personal History

In a paper of twenty pages family histories and self examination are explored in terms of how they mold personal respectives and h...

Elementary School Children and Building Self Esteem

In ten pages this paper discusses how various theorists define self esteem and how and elementary school child's self esteem can b...

Relationship Between Self Improvement and Self Concept

In eight pages this paper assesses the importance of self concept in terms of failure or success with scientific research upon set...

Advanced Practice Nursing, the Self Care Deficit Model of Dorothea Orem, and Urinary Incontinence

development of nurse-operated continence centers, which provide conservative management for UI (Bernier, 2002). Continence nurses...

Aspects of ECE or Early Childhood Education

She offers as an example a booklet used in schools entitled, "All About Me," which consists of a series of dittoed pages where the...

Narrative Self Concepts of Paul Ricoeur

Marcel, Heidegger, Aristotle and Kant(Thompson 1981). Ricoeur believes that in order to get to the bottom line, which is to know o...

Kaplan and Reckless Theories' Overview

living on the edge. Reckless and Kaplan do have similar ideas but it pays to take a look at each of their theories and also the co...

Cooley's Looking Glass Self Theory

-perception. Cooleys Theory: Overview, Critiques and Assessment [The first part of the "body" of the paper should explain who Cool...

Self Esteem, Self Image, and Cosmetic Surgery

may have had about canceling the operation. "My breasts were fine before, but especially giving birth to twins changed my breasts...

Life, Death, and the Afterlife

down to fundamental postulates. When this stage in our analysis has been reached it becomes impossible to further simplify the is...

Subconscious Mind and Hallucinogenic Drugs

drugs and that use which had been in play among groups such as the Native Americans for centuries? The answer to both of these qu...

Self Esteem Development

for good psychological health. When addressing the various components of infant self-esteem, it is important to include particula...

A case study in cognitive behavioral intervention

The primary goal of intervention is to form goal strategy that is consistent with the reality of the client and will also suffice ...

Self Care Model of Dorothea Orem

Today, the theories of Orem, Roy, Neuman, Rogers, King, and others seem to be more popular than older theories such as those of Fl...

Society, the Individual, and Christina and Fred Sommers' Vice And Virtue in Everyday Life

In seven pages various readings featured in this collective volume consider topics of self respect, self interest, dignity, and ch...

A Rational Communication Self Analysis

In ten pages this paper discusses relationship communication and the factors that can influence it including self deception, self ...