YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Sigmund Freuds Oedipal Theories and The Rocking Horse Winner by D H Lawrence
Essays 181 - 210
mind, the following paper examines some of the characters in Lawrences story, focusing on Mabel and Mr. Ferguson, as they relate t...
In ten pages this paper considers these concepts according to Freud's psychoanalysis as represented in Freud's account of Dora and...
The theme of awakenings in Lawrence's story is considered in terms of Jack's emotions and Mabel's sexuality in a discussion consis...
In five pages the story's juxtapositioning of the subconscious and conscious of main characters Jack Fergusson and Mabel Pervin is...
In fifteen pages Freud's essay is discussed in a general overview with a comparison between past and present society included with...
In four pages this paper analyzes the D.H. Lawrence short story in terms of determining the young doctor's motivations. There are...
In this paper containing five pages this short story is evaluated in terms of its sociological aspects. There are two additional ...
In 5 pages this paper utilizes Civilization and Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud in an interpretation of James Joyce's novel about...
This paper examines the characters featured in the film Ordinary People from the personality theoretical perspectives of Sigmund F...
similarity between schuld, which is the German word for guilt and the term which describes indebtedness, schulden (194). The purp...
the beginning of unique aspirations and an original quest for truth. In his book On the Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche reac...
In seven pages this paper contrasts and compares William Shakespeare's protagonist with the Oedipus myth as well as the interpreta...
In seven pages this paper compares the Romantic perspectives articulated in the poetry of William Blake, Walt Whitman, and William...
In seven pages this paper discusses mental illness from the perspective of Sigmund Freud. Six sources are cited in the bibliograp...
In five pages this paper examines how organized religion was viewed by Sigmund Freud and then applied to the Pueblo approach to re...
In five pages the elements of each theory is described as they relate to abnormality inderstanding with the conclusion reached tha...
In 5 pages this paper examines the common themes shared by 'Civilization and Its Discontents' by Sigmund Freud and 'The Soul of Bl...
In ten pages this paper examines heredity and environment as it pertains to personality in a theoretical comparison of the views o...
Arguments of Primo Levi and Sigmund Freud are presented in five pages and then applied to the 20th century's cataclysmic events in...
In six pages this paper examines how religion is psychologically analyzed in essays by Erik Erikson, Carl Jung, and Sigmund Freud....
In ten pages this paper assesses the religious attacks Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Karl Marx launched to determine whe...
In nine pages this paper discusses the perspectives on religion and the individual according to Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche...
In five pages this paper discusses the soul and its significance as conceptualized in the arguments of Plato and Sigmund Freud. F...
In eight pages this research paper discusses whether or not morality can be reinforced in citizens by the state in a comparative a...
In five pages this essay considers the views of sex therapists such as Masters and Johnson and theorists like Sigmund Freud in a d...
In eight pages this paper discusses how Southern life, history and geography are depicted in the short stories 'A Rose for Emily,'...
the society and, subsequently, from the self. Sartres concept of alienation was certainly different from Marxs. Of course, Mar...
with human sexuality and its implications, but all Freud would say of his childhood (which also included several younger siblings)...
In five pages this paper examines free association in a discussion of a dream interpretation in the style developed by psychoanaly...
of the same) is "reason" rather than the self-conscious "I." One may then extend the concept from ethical ideas to morality, whic...