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Essays 1 - 30

Societal Causes of Divorce.

caught in the middle, though the authors point out that there are many tensions in Western marriages as well (Kung, Hung and Chan)...

Divorce in Families w/Special Needs Children

childrens future that parents learn to cope and, hopefully, remain together, or at least learn to act as a team. Research shows ...

Divorce, Pro and Con

commentators have pointed out that research studies indicate that after a generation or so of experimentation with "all manner of...

Divorce's Impact on Children

the authors cited believe that divorce, in and of itself, causes major emotional breakdowns. Psychologist Gary Neuman, for ...

Relationships with Parents and Effects of Divorce

In seven pages two journal articles are applied to an examination of how divorce affects relationships with parents....

Does Divorce Affect The Children? - Literature Review

indeed, mothers and fathers may wrongly believe that some children are old enough to both understand and accept the concept of div...

Internet Technology and Society

As the request in this paper was to analyze implicit system of thought that inform the technology, we can probably use the hypothe...

Religion and Secularization

theory of the secular, in other words, the idea that religion would fade in significance as the industrial society grew in importa...

Divorce and its Causes

In ten pages this paper examines physical and substance abuse and infidelity as cause of married couples getting divorced. There ...

Causes/Effects of the High Divorce Rate

states that the "fragility of modern marriage" is related to the same factors that have elevated societys regard for this relation...

Impact of Disruptive Family

be more delinquency in these families (Department of Criminal Justice, 2008). Children are less likely to graduate from high schoo...

The Relationship Between Divorce and Poverty

more household bills, but legal bills also enter the picture. There are some cases where a woman will move in with a boyfriend or ...

Divorce: Causes and Impacts

no longer exists, or at the very least has shrank almost to the point of non-existence. We simply do not hold ourselves accountab...

Examination of Divorce, Its Causes and Effects

their divorce (34). Money has a role in society and in marriage. Lack of money causes discord between a married couple. This ca...

Causes and Effects of Divorce

This paper consists of three pages in which divorce is examined in terms of its various casues and effects. Ten sources are cited...

The School Counselor, Divorce, and Attachment Theory

literature on attachment theory and the effects of divorce on the childs ability to continue growing and developing positively. Th...

Argument Against Divorce

In five pages this essay presents arguments against divorce, refutes them, and then introduces a marriage license concept that wou...

Effects of Divorce on Children

In five pages divorce's impact upn children are examined with a contrast of its effects on adolescents and younger children. Four...

Marxist v. Christian Views on Divorce

Christianity. More specifically, the essay will argue that the Christian theory is the better one to use to resolve the conflict s...

1990s' Family Law and Divorce

In ten pages no fault divorce is examined in a consideration of various legal issues and also discusses how the debate generated b...

Later Life Divorce

In seven pages this research paper considers divorce's effects on older people with such considerations as marital asset division ...

The Effects of Divorce

of research, journal articles, books, magazines and newspaper articles. A great deal of it paints a negative and sad picture of th...

Family Impact of Divorce

well as younger children. When a specific age range is meant, that will be clarified in the text. * Divorce means that the couple ...

Divorce in America

hold families together as some claim. Some experts believe that Protestant sects do little to hold families together, unlike Catho...

Australian Family Law and Custody Concerns

& Amato, 2000, p.660). In the end, the hypothesis is only partially supported. Authors say that their research reveals "mixed supp...

People Between the Ages of Twenty Five and Thirty Five and Divorce

the average age of men is 26.5 years (Martin et al, 2004). According to statistics compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau, 50 percent...

Divorce: Effects On Families

extends far beyond the boundaries of the mother and father. Whether it is because children hold back their feelings as a means by...

Autism and Environmental Determinants of Behavior

2009, p. 37). The causes of autism are not fully understood. There appears to be a genetic link yet the precise etiology has not...

Defining Prostitution

prostitution was of the practice as an institution which, although utilized by men, was a direct result of the inferior moral natu...

The Causes of Poverty

Poverty, unfortunately, is a fact of life not just in third world nations but right here in the United States. The patterns of po...