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Socrates to John Dewey on Education

words, "how does one KNOW that this is the truth". Most of Socrates teaching took place on the steps of a Lyceum, much like an a...

Democracy and Education by John Dewey

education, should be limited to the socialization process, rather, he thought that education formed the foundation for the process...

John Dewey's Educational Philosophy

of education is determined by the many forces struggling against each other during any given era, forces such as political, religi...

1916 Text Democracy in Education by John Dewey

the baby chick, that shortly after it hatches makes a few stabs for food, as in beak-eye coordination. Masters that concept and b...

Rochester, NY, and Education According to John Dewey's Philosophy and Carter G. Woodson's The Mis Education of the Negro

him to accept an inferior status" (1998, p. 84). Having African Americans accept their inferior status in American society was n...

Works of Dewey, Mill, Nozick, Rawls, Locke and Burke and the Influences of Education, Society, and Politics

(1757) were published when he was only in his mid to late twenties. In the same time period, he married an Irish Catholic woman na...

Personal Development and Developmental Theories

In twenty pages personal development is considered within the context of such developmental theories as John Dewey's Development M...

Comparing E.D. Hirsch and John Dewey

In five pages the educational theories of John Dewey and E.D. Hirsch are compared as they are reflected in the works Dewey on Educ...

Pragmatism and Education

education, and Dewey himself was immersed in this topic. Dewey (1964) suggests that education is something that should be aligned ...

Theory and Practice Relationship

The relationship between theory and practice in education is a long-standing controversy. This is one of the issues discussed in t...

Question About Education

of education to another without really understanding past methods, often put in use today, and their success. In essence, it is cr...

US Modern Culture and the Pragmatic Philosophy of John Dewey

learning, which was the current philosophy of his day (American Philosopher John Dewey). Since the inception of Deweys e...

Capitalism and Democracy

unleashed a joining together of the people so that new economic and political ideas could be shared in a way they had not been bef...

Political Theories' Synopsis

the time, which was that an absolute monarchy was not an adequate form of governance because it contained no means by which indivi...

Jean Piaget, John Dewey, and Constructivism

way will these children be able to discriminate, to make distinctions that penetrate below the surface" (Campbell, 1995, p. 216). ...

Comparison o f William James' Verification and John Dewey's Experience and Inquiry

example, in his Art as Experience (1934) he explained that he understood art as the experience of focusing on the production of ob...

Considering What Makes a 'Just' Community

In five pages this research paper discusses what makes a 'just' community from John Dewey's standpoint that involves social freedo...

Educational Pragmatist Philosopher John Dewey

his detractors?with an abandonment of standards within US classrooms in favor of a focus on growth and self-fulfillment (Berkowitz...

Education and John Dewey

a social reformer. In his writings, these areas are explored. He inherited his theory of pragmatic tradition form Charles Sander...

Teacher's Views on US Educational Philosophy

In five pages this paper examines the US educational philosophy from an educator's perspective with John Dewey's philosophy among ...

Human Nature and Democracy

In five pages this research paper considers how democracy is the type of government that most adequately suits human nature in a d...

Education According to James Banks and John Dewey

truth is that they sometimes support antiquated principles. While Dewey wrote in a time when the 9 to 5 job was a given, fast forw...

Experience and Education by John Dewey

its time schedules, and classification systems and rules (18). Here, due to this, Dewey points out that schools are therefore mark...

Experience and Education by John Dewey

the future from a long term angle. More often than not the furthest an educational pursuit seems to aim at is perhaps 10 years, no...

Educational Philosophy of John Dewey

gear pedagogy accordingly, politicians, policymakers and the public at-large are still "stuck" in the old paradigm, which states t...

Democracy and Education by John Dewey

educated people, saying they live in "ivory towers" and dont understand whats going on in the real world.) Dewey believes that the...

Democracy and Education

believe. Deweys central thesis is rather controversial, but is seemingly valid, and has withstood the test of time. Indeed, Deweys...

Teaching and Philosophy

addition to reviving Deweys ideas, the current revival of constructivism also encompasses the ideas of other giants of education s...

Reading Education History

eye" which meant that there was more to reading than decoding. Reading was perceived now as a process. The key motto was "reading ...

Work of John Dewey and Its Importance

be verified (Dewey, 1938). Pragmatism, then, is the application of scientific methods to areas commonly referred to as ideals and ...