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Ethical Decisions - Case Study

their behaviors or lack thereof. Also, Georges wife, Mary, is not a decision maker but she no doubt has an influence on the decisi...

Something is Rotten in Hondo; An Ethical Case Study

in that area, only fifteen miles down the road, accepting that level of emission as long as the plant is staffed only by Mexican w...

Case Study on Medical Ethics

disseminated across electronic media can make it comparatively easy for unauthorised personnel to access such data. Health care wo...

Identifying Ethical Issues

Psychologists must live by the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct. They will be sanctioned if they violate these principle...

Ethics for Business Research

sure treatment is safe before administering it has also restricted the way those suffering may be helped for example AIDs patients...

Something is Rotten in Denmark

to counter the rottenness that has overtaken the land: he makes up his mind to avenge his fathers murder. In his version of the pl...

Five Case Studies of Various Organizations

and measures may have been taken sooner without the need to apply to the government to restrict trade with the use of trade tariff...


This is not to suggest that families cant be trendy or countercultural. But the problem with anything trendy or countercultural is...

Ethics for Business Research

to be research subjects; the difference was that in this case they were aware of the risks and the processes they would be subject...

Connectivity, External and Internal Drive Bays

front panel." Kozierok (2001) also explains that the term "external drive bay" is a "bit of a misnomer" in that the term ex...

Supervisors Taking Credit

The ethical case presented and discussed in this paper is not an uncommon one. Many people have had this very same thing happened ...

Function and Beauty

a different result or something entirely unusable. Can something functional also be beautiful? Certainly. Does it have to be? No. ...

Case Study of I Am, Inc.

level in a discipline focused on business ethics, sustainability and innovative creativity. * Develop another business that other ...

The Flaw in Utilitarian Theory

is one alternative in deriving a moral theory when considering a variety of philosophical models. Above all, it is simplistic. And...

Bribery in International Business

to extortion. The payment to hope help speed the transfer of the goods during transportation may be seen as location. This is hel...

The Physical Realm According to Rene Descartes

examine carefully Descartes famous "cogito ergo sum" statement, which was the original Latin for "I think, therefore I exist" - or...

The Utilization of Four Ethical Theories

We all make ethical decisions every day but there are there are times when we are challenged with an ethical dilemma. In business,...

Assessing Personalities

the client (APA, 2011). This would be spelled out in the limits to confidentiality agreement not yet signed. These same restrictio...

Ethical Systems - Formal and Informal

lavish parties for physicians on a regular basis, to incite them to prescribe the companys drugs more often (Trevino & Nelson, 200...

What is a Case Study and What is Case Study Methodology?

can be used to test they are also very able to generate new hypothesises which may be tested in the same research or lead to furth...

A Case Study and Analysis on an Obese Child

address childhood obesity in a responsible manner (Templeton). An examination of this case scenario from a utilitarian perspect...

Marketing Tobacco Products; The Ethical Issues

disadvantages are more subjective. Smoking may give many individuals a feeling of empowerment and freedom; a perception put forwar...

High School and Career Counseling

a Christian perspective, biblical references can be shown which indicate that each individual has a purpose and a destiny to fulfi...

Antitrust Issues and Internet Explorer of Microsoft

In five pages this paper examines the Department of Justice's antitrust case against Microsoft and issues regarding the Internet E...

New England Telephone Company and Paul Cronin

In five pages this Harvard case study regarding a publicized case of the mid Eighties involving an AIDS afflicted employee who was...

A Harvard Case Study and an Analyst's Dilemma

It would leave B&B in great jeopardy. Marys dilemma is whether or not to tell Steven about the information her friend gave her in...

Ethics and Making Decisions

to be stopped by the police following a fight then it is easier to make the decision to report him, rather than if the explanation...

Case Study on Management and Ethics

on the report. John went immediately to Wally, his boss with whom he had a good relationship, and told Wally he could not sign off...

Dealing with Performance Problems in a Healthcare Setting

When individuals face personal problems they can impinge on workplace performance. Using a case study supplied by the student, the...

Adult Learning Theories, An Article Summary/Chen

This article summary describes a study, Chen (2014), which pertains to nontraditional adult students and the application of adult ...