YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Sophocles Antigone Platos Protagoras and Socrates Principles
Essays 1 - 30
In five pages this paper discusses how Socrates' principles are presented in Plato's Protagoras and then provides a comparison wit...
In five pages this report argues that both Protagoras and Socrates' ideals are ascetic and hedonistic as presented in Plato's dial...
you think, I should not have you, even if you asked to come...apparently the laws of the gods mean nothing to you" (Sophocles). ...
very powerful and just individual, putting aside the fact she was a woman. While this speaks of men, and fighting for justice, one...
if "what he does is right or wrong, whether he is acting like a good or bad man" ("Apology" 28b)(Plato 32-33). In regards to how ...
In seven pages this paper examines the life and works of Sophocles with the emphasis upon Antigone....
In four pages this paper discusses the soul's immortality as represented in Socrates' arguments that are featured in Meno by Plato...
In two pages this paper examines philosophy's role and human activity purpose as well as Socrates' defense as represented in Apolo...
In seven pages this essay contrasts morality as depicted in Plato's Apology and Sophocles' Antigone. Two sources are cited in t...
In six pages this creative essay examines an event in which a college student had to defend beliefs and this experience is related...
In seven pages this paper discuses Socrates' philosophy in an overview that includes his soul concept, what constitutes 'true' kno...
In fifteen pages this paper considers the connection between wisdom, holiness, justice, courage, temperance and virtue as revealed...
in order to insure passage to the underworld. The Underworld in this mythology was not a particularly happy place; it was a gloomy...
Clouds by Aristophanes. Reasonably, Socrates points out that the character in the play speaks nonsense and should not be confused...
from the fact that I realized that I knew nothing. A man of my era named Chaerephon once asked the Oracle at Delphi is there w...
as a teacher, is to free his students from the cave and metaphorically drag them into the sunlight. The selection from Phaedo reco...
he would take a dim view of Jason abandoning his duty to his wife and children in favor of selfish gain. The chorus would be the...
( "Unmoved by the dissuading counsel of an affectionate but timid sister, and unable to procure assistance, she determi...
In three pages this paper discusses how Socrates can be studied by reading the dialogues of his most famous student. There are no...
In six pages The Book of Job from the Old Testament, Antigone by Sophocles, Crito and Apology by Plato, and The Clouds by Aristoph...
as the Socratic dialogue that in many ways can be compared to todays constructivist approach to education in which he "drew forth ...
(Sophocles). In this she is arguing how she has not followed the laws of "men" or even of the gods in this case, but rather per...
brought against me, and with my earliest accusers, and then with the later ones" (Plato, 1961, 18b). First, Socrates has been acc...
of patriarchal privilege and set society against her is not sufficient justification for ignoring what she perceived to be a highe...
Antigone is a rebel who is willing to defy King Creon in order to accord her brother Polynices with the proper burial his twin Ete...
a weapon to the hands of a madman is obviously unjust. Taylor (2003) comments on how this refutation of Cephalus position demonstr...
with sickness, or the pilot who helps friends against "the perils of the sea" (Plato Book I). He then inquires into "what sort of ...
then, accompanied by proof, it can therefore be called knowledge. He seems to move in circles a bit with this assertion, in that ...
tone and character with the description of Xenophon, who says in the Memorabilia that Socrates might have been acquitted if in any...
In five pages Socrates' concepts of ethics, piety, and justice are discussed as they are represented in Plato's Crito and Euthyp...