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Essays 1 - 30

Spending by the Government

created by Dr Akiva Ilan (2002) and published on a United Kingdom government web site, it was noted that in some nations, the stat...

Technology Sector and Government Spending

with the advent of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Tennessee retained most of its textile companies for another d...

Causes and Effects: Current Government Taxation and Spending

from the 2006 fiscal year" (Quattlebaum, 2006). With regard to this money, Quattlebaum says that the government has several new pr...

Right to Die and Government Spending Limitations

This paper presents the argument in nine pages that the government is earmarking too much spending on the preservation of terminal...

Arts and Government Spending

In seven pages the effect of reduced government funding of the National Endowment for the Arts is discussed. Seven sources are ci...

GDP Percentage and Government Spending

In eight pages this paper considers the federal government's 1998 budget deficit disappearance and speculates the value of linking...

Economic Policies of U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson

In five pages LBJ's economic policies are examined in a discussion of government economic action, spending, the federal budget, an...

National Income Increases Through Government

To understand this we need to look at some of the underlying principles to the multiplier and accelerator effect. Let us look at t...

Does the Voluntary Sector Subsidize Government Spending?

in total the UK had in excess of 3 million individuals volunteering for charities (Pharoah and Smerdon, 1998). Research indicated ...

China and Economic Development Impacts of Government Spending

the population that will enable the increased provision of a better standard of living. This means that government need to create ...

Backdoor Spending and Congressional Spending Controls

Federal agencies to form obligations before there is an appropriation made to cover the obligation; this authority then "compels t...

Government's Only Legitimate Form, Human Nature, and Second Treatise on Government by John Locke

of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit, within the bounds of th...

Overview of GNP

In five pages the Gross National Product is examined in a consideration of various components such as total spending by consumers,...

Economic Policy Management

In effect this gives the average business or family more money that they can spend (disposable income) as they are paying less...

The U.S. Federal Budget

the park and/or to use certain services, such as campgrounds. c. Analyze the Federal Budget 1. Main Revenue Source The federal g...

Public Finance

seem as appropriate today as when he wrote them. 2. Governmental Accounting and Non-Governmental Accounting Governmental and non...

NASA's Effect on the U.S. Economy

the areas in which it operates sites (Reddy, 2006). NASA Langley was the object of one of the investigations seeking to identify ...

American Economic Growth and Productivity

product is defined as equal to governments compensation of employees, or the wages and salaries paid to government workers. Gover...

ISLM Framework Model and Three Macroeconomic Questions

can positively contribute to the larger economy. Public Investment. On the other hand, the argument for government educati...

Contemporary World Economy and The Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx

In two pages this paper applies Marx's ideal government to the modern government system that is powered by an international econom...

US Military's Spending Wastefulness

In eight pages this paper examines post Cold War waste by the US military with the focus being on government spending issues. Ten...

Social Service Reform and the Military

In fifteen pages this research paper examines Chilean social services reform and government military spending. Nineteen sources a...

Pakistan and the Reduction of Its National Debt

In five pages this paper considers how national debt can be reduced by Pakistan through government industry privatization, tax bas...

Education Finance Politics Articles Reviewed

In three pages education and government spending as pertaining to three research articles are considered in a critical review that...

Shift from F/A 22 Raptors to Joint Strike Fighters Military Spending

In six pages this paper examines military spending considerations for the U.S. government in its efforts to boost the F35 Joint St...

Economic Models' Application

In twenty pages this paper discusses how to apply various economic model in a consideration of employment level determination, eco...

Five Questions on Macroeconomics Answered

also be an added impact as when interest rates increase the exchange rate may also increase as a result of the way interest rates ...

Monetary Policy Alteration

say which condition is presenting itself. It also could be poised to increase, were it not for the fact that unemployment has bee...

Federal Spending and Quality Care in Hospitals

2005). Theres little doubt, however, that spending in Medicaid has been on the rise - and this has constituted a huge problem (Bec...

Fiscal Policy

the most reliable "on the basis of empirical evidence, because fiscal stimulus generally is accompanied by monetary stimulus." Th...