YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Spirituality and Storytelling in Beloved by Toni Morrison

Essays 91 - 120

Dramatic Elements in Morrison's Bluest Eye

This paper addresses Toni Morrison's use of misnaming and other dramatic techniques. This six page paper has no additional source...

Four Novels and the American Dream

girl who is rejected by nearly everyone. In fact, so too is her family as the lot of them is cursed with ugliness and rejection. ...

The Development of Milkman Dead's Character in Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

This 8 page paper discusses the development of the character of Milkman Dead in Toni Morrison's novel Song of Solomon. The writer ...

Milkman Dead as a Classic Hero in Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

This 6 page paper argues that Milkman Dead, a character in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, can be described as a classic hero. Th...

Myth in Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

This 6 page paper analyzes Toni Morrison's novel Song of Solomon and argues that it can be seen as a modern day myth in which a ma...

Compare and Contrast Two Characters in Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

This 4 page paper compares and contrasts the characters of Milkman Dead and his father Macon in Toni Morrison's novel Song of Solo...

Virtue and Self-Discipline in Toni Morrison's Sula

This 5 page paper explores the concepts of virtue and self-discipline and how self-discipline applies to virtue in Toni Morrison's...

A Comparison between Sula by Toni Morrison and The Fox by D.H. Lawrence

This 5 page paper discusses the relationship among the female characters in Toni Morrison's Sula and The Fox by D.H. Lawrence. The...

African American Artistic and Musical Contributions

In five pages this research paper assesses the artistic and musical contributions of African Americans throughout history in the m...

Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison and Quest

This paper examines how the 'quest' novel criteria is satisfied by Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon in six pages. There are no oth...

Safety in Toni Morrison's Tar Baby

In five pages this essay examines safety issues as they are represented in husband and wife Valerian and Margaret in Toni Morrison...

Community-Familial Themes in Works by Morrison, Sapphire, Kincaid and D'aguair

This 3 page paper discusses the way in which four authors treat the issues of language, rape, education and incest at the family l...

Good and Evil in Sula by Toni Morrison

Sula deals with the lives of these two opposed characters, The novel opens at the time when the girls were around the age of twel...

American Literary Progress from 1500 until 1940

In six pages this paper charts the course of American literature in a consideration of popular movements with examples and a focus...

New Deal in Framing America by Frances K. Pohl and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

African Americans, the Latin Americans and the Native Americans) away into the foreground the white man, so to speak, could feel t...

Submissive Gender Roles in Sula and Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

planned any of it, but he had to know that one day, after Macon hit her, hed see his mothers hand cover her lips as she searched w...

The Idea of Dreams from Toni Morrison and Alain Locke

Morrisons novel this rebirth was filled with dreams and possibilities. For Joe and Violet it was a dream of better opportunities. ...

The Literature of Black America

has been missing in his life and that his values and priorities are backward and unfulfilling. For example, by the time Milkman jo...

A Comparison of The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison and The Yellow Raft in Blue Water by Michael Dorris

world with it" (Morrison PG). Morrison shows how overcoming stereotypical racial images is not an easy accomplishment in Pecolas...

Tar Baby by Toni Morrison

Jadine and Sons respective interpretations of race and social stature represent. That each conflict intertwines with one another ...

Toni Morrison’s Sula: Moral Ambiguity

to the community, a clear case of moral ambiguity wherein Sula and her family felt they had a right and that their behavior was, o...

American Education, Three Representations

This essay presents an overview of Donald Barthelme's "The School," Zitkala-Sa's "The School Days of an Indian Girl," and Toni Mor...

Black Literature and Its Portrayals of Sexual Molestation, Domestic Violence

This research paper/essay pertains to the subject of sexual molestation and domestic violence in black literature. The writer disc...

Sula by Toni Morrison

It is a story that could well be about any community in any part of the world. In essence, unlike many of Morrisons...

Toni Morrison and Edward P. Jones

white. The reader is offered clues, but then are clues that could be perceived from either direction. For example, in the beginn...

All for One and One for All? An Analysis of Toni Morrison's Barnard College Speech

Within 3 pagess, Toni Morrison's 1979 speech at Barnard College is analyzed. Is it possible for women to survive a man's world if ...

The Bluest Eye and Abuse

the abuse of a child, however the reader may not like that. This same critic indicates how it was "Her scratching the back of her...

Characters Who Are Trapped

tells her that if she does marry this man, Morris, she will never receive any money from him, her father. Up till this point Cath...

Toni Morrison’s Sula

It is also interesting to note that when they grow, and separate, they take on the roles of their mothers: "Nel struggles to a con...

Racism in The Bluest Eye

read. Morrison presents these excerpts, and the distorted excerpts, to illustrate a nation that has long held racism out for all t...