YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Standards to Live Up to Based Upon Philosophies and Theories

Essays 61 - 90

Improving Rene Descartes' Psychology Limitations with the 'Conscious Mental State' of William James

In two pages this paper examines how William James sought to improve upon Descartes' seventeenth century psychological philosophy ...

Overview of Pragmatism

Scientific reasoning or experimental reasoning is a branch of logic that follows along Deweys pragmatic combination of deduction a...

Psychological Profile of Osama bin Laden

when the Taliban took control of the cities. Some would say that this is reminiscent of Stalins control of all literature and idea...

Society, Deviance, and Differences

In five pages deviance in society is examined in a discussion of the labeling theory along with the philosophies of Emile Durkheim...

Creationism is Not a Science

In eight pages this research paper argues that creationism does not successfully satisfy the scientific criteria based upon establ...

Choice Ethics and the Theories of Immanuel Kant

In five pages this paper examines the theories of Immanuel Kant as they relate to morality and making choices based upon ethical c...

Overview of IAS

In nine pages international accounting standards are examined in terms of investments, cash flow reporting, retirement benefits, t...

Perception and Deviance

In five pages the notion that deviance is based upon perceptions and therefore established by those in powerful positions that col...

Jean Watson's and Martha Rogers' Nursing Theories

In six pages this paper contrasts and compares these two approaches to nursing theory that are based upon the concepts of nursing,...

African American Men and HIV

In twenty pages this paper examines the prevalence of HIV among the African American male population in a community outreach progr...

Raymond Williams and Marshall McLuhan on the Uniqueness of Television

In seven pages this paper examines television's media uniqueness based upon the theories of Raymond Williams and Marshall McLuhan,...

Human Nature and the Writings of Lee K. Abbott

In eleven pages Lee K. Abbott's quirky exploration of human nature in the short stories collection Living After Midnight is examin...

John Rawls, Utilitarianism, and Distributive Justice

In five pages utilitarianism and distributive justice as depicted by political philosopher John Rawls in A Theory of Justice are d...

Rachel Carson's "The Obligation To Endure" - Analysis

"These sprays, dusts, and aerosols are now applied almost universally to farms, gardens, forests, and homes - nonselective chemica...

Classical/Choice Theory and the Death Penalty

this implies that if an individual has been convicted of murdering another human being, then the death of that person is justified...

Standard and Actual Costs

Emsley (2000) states that the created information often is "discarded once managers have explained the variance to superiors" (p. ...

Crime Theory: Felson's Routine Activity Approach

is to remove the elements inherent to crime: a location with minimal security is more likely to be robbed than one that has invest...

Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards

studies (Green, 2004). Because of the changes facing school administrators and leaders, many believe that preparation programs f...

IAS 37

an agreed payment date (IAS Plus, 2008). Where there is a provision made this is not presenting a certainty, just a probable even...

Specific Topics Pertaining to National Standards

of standards as a vehicle for educational reform necessarily needs, first of all, to clarify how the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) a...

The Theory of Human Caring

al, 2009). The theory came from "the results of studies accomplished by the author along her Doctorate in Clinic and Social Psycho...

Issues of Organizational Behavior

forth (Lambert, Edwards and Cable, 2003). The massive downsizing of organizations that was so prevalent in the 1980s and continu...

Critiquing and Assessing Peter Senge's The Leader's New Work Building Learning Organization

the existing status quo where measuring of performance had led to a position where the company was very weak. The first ma...

Economic Theory of Negligence and Posner

as tort law have been seen in term of moralistic tendencies. If we look a the way cases are settled, then the courts also show t...

Study Plan Development

that are apparent in different proportions, these are the knowledge, the self and action. All are present in all models, but the l...

One Way to Stabilize the U.S. Dollar

In recent years, a number of prominent analysts and economists have suggested that the only way to stabilize the American and Worl...

International Financial Reporting Standards and US GAAP

and the US GAAP for fair value measurement and for disclosing that information. The suggestion was to have wording that was identi...

Feminist Movement and Theories of Karl Marx

DR. GOOD: Ladies and gentleman, you all know why you are here. Through the miracle of science, the great Karl Marx has been brou...

A History of Temperament Theories

1995; Classical Astrology, 2003). If the person were healthy, there was a balance among these fluid substances (Heineman, History,...

Neighborhood Programs for Recycling Improvements

became painfully apparent with the Mobro 4000 crisis in 1987 - that was the trash barge that drove up and down for thousands of mi...