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Strengthening the Juvenile Criminal Justice System

cruelty, and shoplifting. These programs are utilized to give youth another chance instead of throwing them in juvenile detention ...

Issues in Criminal Justice and the Criminal Justice System

know him as a real person, not just a symbol of authority. He was someone they could trust and who could help them solve problems....

African-American Juveniles and the Criminal Justice System

although blacks make up only 12% of Sacramentos drug users, "52% of those arrested in Sacramento are African-American" (Schiraldi,...

System of Criminal Justice and Juvenile Delinquency

In seven pages this report discusses contributing factors of juvenile delinquency and discusses how it is defined within the crimi...

Criminal Justice and Treating Juvenile Crime as Adult Offenses

does not treat all of its juvenile offenders as adults. Indeed, the state is one of the most progressive in the nation in terms o...

Juvenile Crime and Programs of Shock Incarceration and Boot Camps

on the fact that other states are closing their boot camps for lack of funds and poor success rates, Nunnlee commented "at this po...

Juvenile Delinquency and Drug Use

riotous behavior inasmuch as students contend their rights are being violated by the limitation. The issue at hand, points ...

Using Drugs and Juvenile Delinquency

use is a prevalent factor in the school setting is intrinsically related to social elements, a point the authors illustrate by exa...

Juvenile Criminal Justices Systems of the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Centuries

Information about the juvenile system of criminal justice of these three centuries are compared and contrasted. There are 6 bibli...

Comparisons Between Criminal Justice and Juvenile Justice

idea that juvenile offenders needed to be handled different from adult offenders; as the goal was to retrain the child toward more...

Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Offenders to Adult Offenders

see needs that should be filled. Barber has been in the justice system for many years and she finally began to realize that many o...

The Juvenile Justice System and Violent Juvenile Offenders

The latter part of the Twentieth Century was characterized by a growing concern over what was perceived as a growing propensity...

Race and Class Roles in the Juvenile Justice System's Development

and, therefore, cannot begin to identify with the situation or see the need for drastic change. What, exactly, compels one ...

Juvenile and Adult Courts: A Comparative Study:

vary somewhat from state to state, juvenile justice typically has a similar protocol. At the time a juvenile is arrested, a decis...

Prison Overcrowding, as a Flaw in Criminal Justice

This paper focuses on prison overcrowding as an ethical issue that affects the American criminal justice system Three pages in len...

Aspects of Crime

things in life is to deviate from what is considered by the masses to be normal; in fact, Morpheus points out that it is often con...

Criminal Justice System and Fairness

amazed that Bostick consented to the search. The United States Supreme Court held that Bostick had the ability to refuse. ...

The Criminal Justice System and the Issue of Racism

a great deal of ignorance and disrespect for that individual; just because someone is a member of a certain race does not mean tha...

Purposes of Criminal Justice

offender population. Rehabilitation refers to "changing either the offenders objective circumstances or his value system in ways t...

Juvenile Justice Diversion Programs - Their Importance

States was developed to contend with the operational responsibilities of dealing with the punishment of crimes commissioned by adu...

Criminal Law and Current Trends

In five pages this research paper discusses criminal law and its current trends with the three major issues that have recently dev...

A Recidivism Study

and is a significant problem, but while the problem remains, legal aid programs do little to help. An example of why this is the c...

Criminal Justice and Globalization

media, and especially the internet, policies must be created that deal with specific issues and threats. For example, scams that o...

Technology and the Criminal Justice System

and foremost, its reliability for identification purposes (Technology and Human Values, 1997). In addition, it is widely used and...

US System of Juvenile Justice and its Problems

is unusual. All too often children are led through a troubled system that simply does not know how to treat young offenders. I...

A Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Courts

that a ten year old can be prosecuted for murder. In contemplating this issue, it pays to take a look at the juvenile justice syst...

Problems with the Juvenile System in America

publications. Statistics, however, are not the most important thing when we are considering how to treat the problem. A prerequi...

Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Courts

In 1899, the first juvenile court case was heard in Chicago as authorized by the Illinois Juvenile Court Act (Penn, 2001). The ju...

Delinquency Concept Evaluation

This usually involves some type of probation arrangement or counseling/treatment (The Center for Young Womens Development Handbook...

Criminal Justice, Social Justice, and Morality

the right to be treated the same as others Conclusion Although we know that the US Constitution guarantees certain rights to its ...