Essays 1 - 30


and trade on the global market. In the first scenario above, fining the cartel sent a signal that cartels, with fixed prices, woul...

Integration Trade, the EU, and the Future of Regional Trade Agreements

In ten pages this paper examines the European Union in a consideration of why it was formed, David Ricardo's global trade theory, ...

Energy Policies of the European Union

has been declining, the level was only 50% of the budget in Framework Programme I that took place between 1984-7, which amounted t...

Overview of Trade Unions and Their Functions

European Union Treaty. The Competition Bill is intended to clarify the numerous ineffective laws currently on British Books and i...

Trade within the European Union

decisions and international financial developments (Davies, 1996). As a result of this there have been concerns that the single cu...

Europe and Globalization

In eight pages this paper discusses global trade and Europe's role with such topics as World Trade Organization policies and trade...

Questions Regarding the European Union

In twelve pages this research paper addresses EU questions that include such topics as term definition, Turkish membership barrier...

Caribbean Banana Trade Wars and Banana Trade Security

it was estimated that the net worth of the banana trade was about $10 billioniv. These few multinational companies who produce th...

Trade Barriers and Global Business

In twenty pages this research paper discusses global trading growth in a consideration of potential barriers including tariffs, tr...

China’s Increasingly Important Role in the Global Economy

to as market socialism. 1.1 Aims and Objectives The objective of this paper is to assess the way in which China is adapting to ...

International Trade and Global Poverty

latest "round," however, has not gone well. "America wants to slash tariffs, arguing (rightly) that the best way to help poor coun...

Automotive Industry And Global Financial Crisis

less cost than other countries (Tabarrok, 2008). This means that every country can have a comparative advantage if they specialize...

EU IP Negotiations Changing

The approach the EU uses in negotiations is less dominant than that of the U.S. They tend to be more nuanced although they can get...


are duties on it is payable. James the common agricultural policy is to equalize prices between goods which are imported into the...

Canada's Global Views on Foreign Policy

problem that too affects North America. In January of 2000 U.S. Customs Service commissioner launched a Northern Border Security I...

Global Trade and the Effects of Outsourcing

implies a degree of managerial control and risk on the part of the provider" (, 2005). This indicates how and why ...

Great Britain and the Social Policy of the European Union

into account the interrelationship between the environment, culture and economic growth, and this is an aim which must be seen to ...

Impact of the EU Single Currency on Trade Between the EU and Those Outside the Zone

This 7 page paper discusses the impact that the adoption of the single currency (the Euro) might have on trade between countries i...

Great Britain and its Environment of International Trade

In a paper containing ten pages the international trade environment of Great Britain is examined in terms of international trade f...

Tutorial on U.S. and India's Economic Trade Policy

Almost 75 percent of the population lives in rural areas in India with their major income coming from agricultural pursuits. About...

Freer World Trade Defense

is that Singapore is a mature economy and Nepals economic condition is worse now than it was 35 years ago. The only other differe...

NAFTA, WTO, and Global Free Trade

one would desire to do business with. In this form of trade, according to McConnell and Brue, "Governments curtail imports and pro...

Universal Health Care Policy

such as Massachusetts and California, the pros and cons of universal health care and others. Some of the articles reviewed are lis...

Trade and Economy of Bhutan

projects that are taking place in the area tends to use imported labour from nearby India (CIA, 2002). With better roads t...

The Changing Middle East and the Feasibility of Trade

This 7 page paper discusses changes that have taken place in the Middle East with regard to their impact on international trade in...

Global Business and the Impact of Monetary Policies

In six pages this paper provides answers to 3 questions involving global business and the effects of monetary policies in a discus...

Norway's International Trade, Business, and Economics

In five pages an economic examination of Norway involves its transition from agriculture to global trade and discusses how its eco...

Goals of Global Policy

In five pages this paper examines economically advantageous U.S. international policy objectives in a consideration that asserts t...

Chinese Wages

a high price, where it is sufficient to buyers out of the market, or sufficient supplies enter the market, a combination of the tw...

Global Trade and the Reduction of Exchange and Economic Exposure

In eight pages this paper considers a global trade scenario in which the fictitious AAA Corporation must take steps to reduce exch...