Essays 1 - 30

Middle Managers and TQM Implementation Implications

either business type or size. Future research could be limited to a particular SIC code for intra-industry comparisons between fi...

TQM Implementation

levels of the company" (Agility Centre, 2002). TQM has also been referred to as a "Customer-Driven Quality Management" approach (H...

TQM Implementation Through the Tool of ISO

these are introduced there is what appears to be a related increase in productivity. Each member country has a body that is a repr...

Proposal for Research to Examine TQM Implementation in Nigeria

This paper is the first two section of a larger project examining TQM in a Nigerian context. The first section is an introduction ...

Implementing Total Quality Management

In twelve pages this paper discusses how businesses can implement TQM in terms of costs and benefits, course training, and needs a...

The Role of Leadership in TQM Implementation; A Research Proposal

TQM practices? In order to undertake this a number of sub-questions can be used to guide the research. These include * Does...

The Role of Leadership in TQM Implementation; A Research Proposal

* What is the role of leadership in the successful implementation in TQM practices? In order to undertake this a number of s...

Disney Company's Total Quality Management Implementation

tarnished image really did not have a substantial effect on its business as the company continued expansion to other countries and...

TQM: Brief History And Implementation

of the primary focal point, which as been responsible for different values, assumptions and expectations. In this day and age o...

Service Organizations in the Implementation of TQM

from its introduction. The meaning may be different to the various people or organizations that implement or study it as there is ...

TQM's Applications

different areas of the same company. TQM in manufacturing will be aligned with some of the same elements as it is in the service s...

Reasons for TQM's Success

implement these in more specialised areas. This is useful to both the student studying TQM as well as the manager that may wish to...

Productivity, Corporate Survival, and Total Quality Management

In seven pages this paper applies the fourteen TQM points of W. Edwards Deming to Firestone Tires in light of the Ford Explorer fi...

History and Uses of Total Quality Management

In forty two pages this paper examines the history of TQM, the models of Juran, Baldrige, and Deming, and implementation experienc...

Competitive Advantage and the Impact of Total Quality Management

In five pages this paper examines how organizational competitive advantage can be achieved through TQM. Four sources are cited in...

Relationship Between Quality Management, Total Quality Management, and Measuring Performance

only based on the number of units, but also on factors such as the level of the compliance with quality standards. If the required...

Global Automobile Industry and Generational Changes

In eight pages this paper examines how the U.S. market has been changed since 1985 in terms of the American and Japanese auto indu...


many definitions out there, however; such as continuous improvement, customer focus and employee involvement. Most TQM gurus also ...

Six Sigma; Development and Utilization as a Part of TQM

extends backwards and forwards to include the supply chain and the customer chain. TQ stresses learning and adaptation to continua...

TQM and Six Sigma

Morris (1994). Total is seen as being the entire organisation or company, from board level through to the tea lady. Quality is se...

TQM in the Hospital Setting

hospital setting but wrote, "The lack of empirical research fails to provide support to claims that TQM reconciles trade-offs betw...

How to Implement TQM in a Retail Setting

(not a separate area or program), and an integral part of high-level strategy. It works horizontally across functions and departme...


to the tea lady. Quality is seen as the establishment of goals that reflect and determine quality in the product manufacture and ...

TQM and Operations Management

by Haigh and Morris (1994). Total is seen as being the entire organisation or company, from board level through to the tea lady. ...

Small Hotel Case Study on Total Quality Management Implementation

In five pages and 2 parts this paper discusses the small hotel applicability of TQM and how its standards might be improved as a r...

DuPont and the Formation of Teams

America. In 1802, he established a "manufactory" for his gun and blasting powder, capitalized at $36,000 raised through selling 1...

The Utilization of Total Quality Management

Problems sometimes crop up in the implementation of TQM and this paper focuses on those issues. The barriers that confront the pro...

Cultural Change Needs Total Quality Management Programs

perfectly compatible with the needs of each side. When performing an operational analysis that addresses TQ and organizational cu...

Total Quality Management in Nonprofits, Retail, and Manufacturing

customization" into practice - and its quality always was superlative. The end result was that customers overwhelmingly approved ...

Total Quality Management Implementation Preparation

organisation or the improvement of performance, alone it is not a transformation device that will automatically result in improvem...