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Essays 241 - 259

U.S. Public Education as Shown in “Teachers”

Brussat, 2007). A student bites a teacher; a gym coach "has sex with three students"; a boy is shot and killed; and the school, wh...

New Methods of Instruction for Teachers at all Levels

help teachers meet the demands of their students and motivate teachers and enhance teacher performance. Background...

Vocal Difficulties in Teachers

the amount of training teachers receive varies with the result that "due to both the demands on their voice and poor environmental...

Teacher Training and African American Males

deeper understanding of their capabilities and strengths, as well as the obstacles that they typically face in terms of background...

Article Analysis/Teacher Quality

screening, are not strongly correlated with student achievement increases. The last point made by Goldhaber and Anthony (2004) ...

Strike of Middletown, New Jersey Teachers

fairly; they walked out on strike three years prior to this incident (Hanley, November 30, 2001). When the teachers decided they...

Education Technology and Teacher Training Effects

technology but also show them how to implement it into their classroom instruction in a beneficial and effective manner (Golden 42...

A Review of Teacher by Sylvia Ashton-Warner

interests them the most, on the not unrealistic expectation that they might pursue a career later in the same field that interests...

Multicultural Education Challenges for Teachers

they graduate from teacher education programs (Wiggins and Follo, 1999; Capella-Santana, 2003; Brown, 2004; Kitsantas and Talleyra...

Integrated Technology and Teacher Staff Development Program

Impact Aid; and Encouraging Freedom and Accountability (Bush, 2001). The call for accountability on a state and national ...

Teacher Supervision and Effective School Principals

Developing annual budgets and coordinating the use of other resources (Peterson and Kelley, 2001, p. 8). 5. Organizing efforts to ...

The Role of a Primary School Teacher

intends" (Kyriacou, 1998). The curriculum for the main part of determined by the government, with targets such the literacy and a ...

WorkSpace: Benefits For Students, Teachers And Parents

to focus more closely upon the sometimes subtle requirements students have where learning is concerned. Computers represent one o...

Supervision & Teacher Evaluation

(Sparks and Hirsh). Four operational principles are instrumental in achieving results-driven education. These are having "1) clari...

Article Summary: "Involving Teachers in Data-Driven Decision Making"

deal of data at their fingertips, schools were in fact "information poor because the vast amounts of available data they had were ...

Parent/Teacher Communication

Voorhis, 2004). On the other hand, student reported that their teachers urged them to request aid from their parents no more than ...

Behaviorism And Preschool

few options for educational achievement. In light of the fact that learning difficulties are inherent to autism, it stands to rea...

Multicultural Education In The United States

of the exact research topic at the beginning, an idea that will become clearer as the researcher explores the literature. The wo...

Listening Techniques

to the fact that it is seldom taught in the elementary school years and scholars find that many teachers have the mistaken notion ...