YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The 1957 Film 12 Angry Men

Essays 271 - 300

Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ

as director. This Catholic perspective is also quite evident in the fact that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the most prevalent c...

Norma Rae’s Depiction of Labor

sit down, even when "they are having menstrual cramps" (Giroux). In the film, workers also complain about "plant conditions, speed...

1956 Film Adaptation/Moby Dick

the injustice that fate as inflicted upon him, as he has pursued the whale for years, coming close numerous times, but never actu...

Eastwood's "Invictus" - Theories of Motivation

not easy to explain why individuals are motivated to act in the ways they do. This is why there are a number of competing theories...

Dead Poet's Society and the Motif of Carpe Diem

to his students. He gives them no time to "adjust," but leaps right in with both feet on the first day by having the class read Ro...

Argumentative Essay: Avatar's Script is Same Old Same Old

Opposing Arguments Petrakis (2010) is completely right when he writes: "the screenplay is simplistic and uninteresting, lea...

Kassowitz/La Haine, Character of Vinz

This research paper offers a character study that focuses on Vinz (played by Vincent Cassel) in Mattieu Kassowitz's film La Haine....

A Comparison of The Green Berets and Casualties of War

days on the battlefield seemed to be but a dim memory. The Korean War was Americas first unpopular war where there were no victor...

'Oedipus the King' and 'Chinatown'

no longer walks the Chinatown beat, ever since he was promoted to lieutenant (Dirks chin.html). Chinatown is regarded as a punish...

Early Film Industry and Economics

In fourteen pages this research paper considers the film industry in terms of the economic issues it struggled with during its fir...

The Flight of Apollo 13. The Psychological Impacts of the Events on Members of the Flight and Ground Crews.

standards and then exemplifies those himself (2000). For example, in a coaching situation, a leader may mandate that a cross count...

Asian Culture in Art and Film

way or another by the culture itself. Now, while there are numerous contemporary artists and also numerous styles this section ...

American Interpretations of Film Noir

of America had suffered through more than 15 years of deprivation in one form or another. The Great Depression that began with th...

Analyzing the Barbarians at the Gate Film

ethics or lack thereof, surrounding the mystique of Wall Street. Although takeovers are not in themselves unethical, the methods ...

Film Noir Techniques in the Film, Gilda

what the audience is viewing with his own subjective observations. In his consideration of film noir, Jon Tuska (1984) noted that...

Universal Soldier Film and Analysis of Eroticism Analysis

UniSols have bodies of unmatched perfection and their memories have been supposedly erased, which allows their minds to be easily ...

Film Noir Aspects of Sunset Boulevard and The Grifters

factor can be seen in both Sunset Boulevard and The Grifters. In Sunset, Joe Gillis is an out-of-work screenplay writer, who has t...

A Review of the Film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

A 18 page critique of this less than successful film. The author atributes the lack of success however to the poor distribution a...

Racial Impications in The Matrix

A 30 page analysis of this science fiction film. This futuristic film imparts a sense of reality that is enough to bring most vie...

Banned in East German

GDR society," which would open it up to Western "cultural and economic influences" (Berghahn 146). However, the Partys views on re...

Gender/Sexuality in 6 Films

the others, feels compelled to protect this young bit of innocence and humanity at all costs. The symbolic way that the child co...

Girl Interrupted

problems of Susanna. Susanna is diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. Susanna is suffering from hallucinations. For...

Film Analysis

In order to offer thorough analysis, Boggs and Petrie (2004) recommend seeing a movie at least twice. The first viewing can be dev...

"The Asphalt Jungle" and "Citizen Kane" as Classics of Film Noir

before. Perhaps the iconic model here is Barbara Stanwyck luring Fred MacMurray to his doom in Double Indemnity. But there is an...

Film Analysis/Kiss Me Deadly

(Ralph Meeker) swerves to avoid her and runs off the road. Angry, he snarls, "You almost wrecked my car. Well? Get in!" (Dirks, 20...

Born on the Fourth of July

person that John F. Kennedy was addressing when he said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your co...

Goodfella/Its Moral Message

Henrys voiceover narration.3 This narration gives the viewer insight into Henrys motivations. This narration conveys Henrys childl...

Feminist Critique/Disney Films

also what was happening in the world at-large. For example, OBrien relates the ideological thrust of Cinderella to the perceived...

The Depiction of Troy in The Iliad and in Film

is not identified as a goddess except for when a servant speaks to Achilles about the legends that have begun to be spun concernin...

Application and Analysis of Film Theories of Signification, Representation, and Perception

throughout cinematic history, Jean Mitry (1907-1988) was perhaps the most comprehensive and objective. He examined cinema from al...