YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Concept of Virtue

Essays 1 - 30

Aristotle's Concepts of Virtue and Happiness

into two intellectual worlds. Aristotle goes on to explain: " but with regard to what happiness is they differ, and the many do n...

The Concept of Virtue

distinguishes between the activities of the practical and intellectual virtues, with the activities of political virtue having a s...

The Apology, Antigone and the Concept of Virtue

in order to insure passage to the underworld. The Underworld in this mythology was not a particularly happy place; it was a gloomy...

Concepts of Contemporary Citizenship and Political Virtue as Viewed by Aristotle

the morality Aristotle speaks of is relative. While it is not relative from one individual to another perhaps, and there is certai...

The Prince and the Concepts of Idealism and Virtue

virtue is something that people can live with on a daily basis. Virtue is equated with doing the right thing in the present. Ideal...

'Pride is the Crown of the Virtues' as Perceived by Aristotle

on which the man can stand (and is therefore the crown of the virtues) because Aristotle believed that a man who demonstrated prid...

'The Good Stuff' as Defined by Aristotle

and we would be thinking about the idea of "why" something is the way it is. Another way to look at the thoughts of Aristotle is t...

Virtue and Self-Discipline in Toni Morrison's Sula

This 5 page paper explores the concepts of virtue and self-discipline and how self-discipline applies to virtue in Toni Morrison's...

Modern Life Issues and Theories of Morality

In ten pages this report discusses how moral theories address contemporary life issues with such ethical concepts as virtue, care,...

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Human Nature and Society

This paper examines how the human concept of virtue and its pursuit influence human nature and society within the context of the t...

Contemporary Life and an Application of Virtue in The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

warning regarding change: "Changes in estate also issue from this, for if, to one who governs himself with caution and patience, t...

Cinematic Portrayal of Greek Virtue and Philosophers

84). However, Socrates is willing to concede that an individual can desire an evil thing if he mistakenly first evaluates it as go...

Virtue: A Comparison of the Views of Aristotle and Confucius

and Aristotle are philosophers who discuss virtue. Yet, Yu (1998) claims that when it comes to virtue, neither Aristotle or Confu...

Socrates, Aristotle, and Their Philosophies

In five pages this paper contrasts and compares the philosophies of Socrates and Aristotle with virtue concepts being the primary ...

What Role Does Intent Play In Determining Ethical Behavior

incorporate personal and sometimes selfish considerations into the process of ethical determinations, but this does not negate the...

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve. 10. Cleanliness. Tolerate no uncleanline...

US Democracy, Pragmatism and Virtue

In eight pages this research paper on US democracy includes the connection between pragmatism and virtue, the differences and simi...

Bennett: "The Book of Virtues"

responsibility; friendship; work; courage; perseverance; honesty; loyalty; and faith" (Muehlenberg, 1999). Bennett uses a number o...

Critical Analysis: "Casuistry, Virtue and the Slippery Slope"

the first issue under the heading of casuistry; the second under virtue; and the third as a slippery slope argument (Kennan). It i...

Forms, Immortal Soul, and Defining Virtue in Phaedo and Meno by Plato

different aspects of individual virtue can be seen to be included. Meno offers the suggestion that virtue can be defined as the wi...

Alasdair MacIntyre's View of Virtue and Academic Dishonesty

In this paper consisting of five pages the philosophy MacIntyre describes in 'After Virtue' is applied to the ethics of academic d...

Thomas Aquinas and Plato on Justice

virtue, i.e., justice, but it is also included under Aquinas discussion of love, specifically under love of ones neighbor, for Go...

Moral Education According to Aristotle

the right objects, towards the right people, with the right motive and in the right way. He states in Book II, "The moral virtues,...

Aristotle on Nonrelative Virtues

In five pages virtues and their relativity are debated by Aristotelian philosophy and an argument by Martha Nussbaum featured in ...

Teaching Virtue

who live with us and present themselves in abundance, as far as is possible. Wherefore we must keep them before us1." Here, it see...

'The Mean' Meaning According to Aristotle

In five pages Aristotle's concept of 'the mean' is discussed in terms of a balanced universe comprised fo form and matter and the ...

Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle on Virtue

subdivided into passions and reason (Yu 323). So, too, was his moral character, which explained how man could exist as both a soc...

Soul, Piety, Virtue, and Socrates' Philosophy

In seven pages this paper discuses Socrates' philosophy in an overview that includes his soul concept, what constitutes 'true' kno...

Virtue, the Soul, and the Philosophical Processes of Inquiry by Plato and Aristotle

VI of "Nicomachean Ethics", goodness under the concept presented by Plato suggests almost an unattainable element, and it was Aris...

Friendship and Marriage According to Barbara Whitehead and Aristotle

In a paper consisting of seven pages the concept of marriage rooted in friendship is a view shared by Barbara Whitehead and Aristo...