YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Controversy Surrounding Gay Marriage

Essays 241 - 270

Extreme Mental Illness And Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

that depression is experienced, as well as the inability for young adults to understand why they are depressed at such a vulnerabl...

Should Gay And Lesbian Couples Be Allowed To Adopt?

Accordingly, each parent represents a much-needed entity in the growth of a child: The mother provides stability and sanctity, whi...

How Do You Feel About Same Sex Couples

Do you believe that being around gays or lesbians can change people and maybe even make them homosexual? Would you wear a button t...

Research Surrounding Sex and How it is Reported

This paper reveals similarities and differences between data reported in a professional journal and that commented on in the popul...

How Global Warming Could Impact Miami and Surrounding Areas

Global could have devastating impacts to natural and developed areas alike. There are three sources in this four page paper. ...

Issues Surrounding Sexual Addiction

ABSTRACT Sexual addiction is a common element of the modern...

Tobacco and the Issues Surrounding It

History Tobacco has become fully impregnated in world society. Tobacco, of course, originated in...

The Issues Surrounding Abortion

A paper containing 8 pages the history of abortion, its evolving legal status as well as medical, social, and religious aspects of...

Arguments Surrounding the Issue of Prayer in Schools

place for religion in the schools. The debate is heated. First, it should be noted that there are many good reasons for inclusion....

The Debate Surrounding Abortion as Revealed in Contested Lives

abortion conflict at the grass roots level is enlightening towards the understanding the national debate. According to Ginsburg,...

Arguments Surrounding the Balanced Budget Amendment

This six page discussion presents the argument that has unfolded between the political parties over the Republican plan for a bala...

Opinions and Skepticism Surrounding the So Called Greenhouse Effect

In this five page paper the writer presents the skeptics view of the so called greenhouse effect and the supposed depletion of the...

An Overview of the Expectations Surrounding the Implementation of the First Amendment

situation arising under the new constitution. Correspondingly, the original intent in framing the first amendment lay in prohibit...

History, Prupose, and Issues Surrounding the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

In practice, however, both the IMF and World Bank have a long history of intellectual addiction to the soft-core Marxism and centr...

Issues Surrounding the Tobacco Trade

U.S. tobacco. The tobacco industry is also a significant part of the U.S. economy as well. With 21 States and more than 2...

Continuing Drama Surrounding Abortion

like to talk about it, infanticide also has a long social history. How did Romulus and Remus meet the wolf? Why was there a pre...

Myth Surrounding Freedom of Speech

This paper consists of six pages and discusses the freedom of speech concept and the myth that has arisen that all types of expres...

Issues Surrounding Breast Implants

In eight pages popular literature is reviewed in this discussion of breast implants and examines why women opt for this procedure ...

Issues Surrounding Euthanasia

In seven pages this paper considers the various issues related to euthanasia and argues that in most instances it should be regard...

The Ideology Surrounding Our Continued Presence in Iraq

II in particular. Even that war, a war that was conceptualized as "The War to End All War" and "The Struggle for Democracy" had m...

Toxic Taco’s; The Arguments Surrounding GM Crops

that GM crops have been put through. The consideration can be looked at from a commercial or business perspective, from a govern...

Issues Surrounding the Monetary Policies of the Eurosystem

jumped on the single currency bandwagon. Germany was very resistant but finally joined (Bevan 8). However, Britain, Denmark and ...

The Issues Surrounding Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

to break down from involuntary inactivity. I now recognize the increased muscle weakness in both my legs and arms, as well as dif...

Holland, Surrounding Countries, and Seventeenth Century Art

land and the pastimes of the Dutch people who were an increasingly prosperous merchant middle class" (Anonymous Dutch Baroque Peri...

Sororities and the Myths That Surround Them

in danger of being shut down. "People think we are drinking clubs," says Jonathan Brant, executive vice president of the National...

Myths and Legends Surrounding Vampires

The term "myth", on the other hand, is reserved by anthropologists and folklorists for those stories which deal with the creation ...

Gang Violence Surrounding Norfolk State University

their adolescent years as recidivist delinquents (Scott, 1995). Additionally, a full ninety percent of recidivist adolescent deli...

The Facts Surrounding Gun Control

reiterates this fact time and time again. Gun control attempts through legislation have been a miserable failure in their e...

Issues Surrounding Legalization Of Marijuana

life instead of being the stronger aspects inherent to sizable social forces and requirements. Being deprived of a sound ed...

Existence Issues Surrounding Frankenstein's Monster

the science of anatomy: but this was not sufficient; I must also observe the natural decay and corruption of the human body" (Shel...