YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Controversy over Bilingual Education
Essays 1 - 30
this program allows children to retain their heritage and their home culture (Rothstein 672). Further, proponents comment that som...
third report was a meta-analysis of the subject matter; done by a non-education professional it is assumed to be relatively free f...
been linguistically successful (Safty, 1992). Eventually, and with exposure to French, the bilingual programs became known as Fren...
associated with bilingual education, evaluating what works and what does not, is not an easy task (Gilroy 50). Both supporters an...
The writer suggests an experiment as a research project, in which the object is to test the validity of California Prop. 227, whic...
believe that acquiring English skills is the more important than teaching the children in Spanish (Porter, 1999). Porters article...
the perception that the "melting pot" of American society worked better in previous generations. However, consider this quote conc...
In a research paper consisting of eight pages the historical controversy surrounding bilingual education is examined in terms of a...
(Schmid, Miodrag and Di Francesco, 2008; Chatel, 2005; Macpherson, 2005; Weikle and Hadadian, 2003). Does this media help or hinde...
The ideas provided in this essay can help ease some of the challenge but they will not take away the root problem of a lack of bil...
There is also evidence that bilingualism actually provides benefit to culturally diverse students. Sheng, McGregor and Marian cond...
In six pages this paper discusses bilingual education and its student and scholastic significance. Five sources are cited in an a...
The writer provides a general overview of bilingual education in the U.S. by tracing its development, current status and projected...
The writer discusses the way in which the mass media presents bilingual education and how this presentation, which comes through T...
In eight pages this paper discusses bilingual education programs and the problems and challenges of computer technology implementa...
as well as mentors, training programs, internships and more. Clearly, the bilingual person is almost never without job opportunity...
In a paper consisting of nine pages five scholarly articles on the topic of whether or not bilingual education is needed are criti...
In a paper consisting of five pages a fictitious student supplied case is used in this discussion of bilingual education curriculu...
In four pages bilingual education is examined from the perspectives of Richard Rodriguez. There is 1 source cited in the bibliogr...
In ten pages this paper discusses the bilingual home education of students by parents called one parent, one language in an assess...
The Canadian Parents for French movement's promotion of French as a second language is the focus o this report consisting of seven...
In five pages this paper discusses bilingual education in a consideration of its importance to scholastic performance. Fifteen so...
In seven pages this paper discusses early childhood education in a discussion of monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual language...
In eleven pages this paper discusses the effects of poverty on a bilingual child's education along with an assessment of the posit...
the collective and tries to provide an understanding of how current social conditions have come about them, and how they interact ...
In six pages this paper discusses bilingual education in a consideration of various research studies along with the impact of poli...
is embraced by American schools to varying degrees. Still, the subject usually attracts heated debates. Bilingual education is t...
(Bilingual/ESL, 2004). Carrasquillo and Rodriguez (1996) point out that mainstreaming LEP students is one of the most significan...
not concur with this claim. All one has to do is look to the past for a dramatic lesson in total immersion theories. Many...
thus find themselves isolated, but the statement is usually made that they should give everything up to become "Americanized" with...