YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Ethnic Myth by Professor Stephen Steinberg

Essays 1 - 30

The Ethnic Myth by Professor Stephen Steinberg

own nihilism, while ignoring conditions that worsen their plight. He added that such an analysis is often picked up by lawmakers ...

The Ethnic Myth by Steinberg

involvement. He indicates that the Native American population was not like other regions that the Europeans had colonized, for the...

How Abraham Lincoln Overcame Social and Political Obstacles in the Elimination of Slavery and Preservation of the Union

great impact on the national notions and approach to freedom and civil equality. From as early as his Inaugural Address, Pr...

Thought or Perspective in Regards to Race Relations

into the culture of the dominant people. In essence, the culture of the minority is curtailed and extinguished. The reason this co...

'Flanking in a Price War' Summarized

must be narrowly defined and must not deviate from the boundaries given it at the outset. Of course approaching a study in this m...

Domestic Abuse and the Death of Lisa Steinberg

This research paper concerns the abuse suffered by 6-year-old Lisa Steinberg and her adoptive mother Hedda Nussbaum at the hands o...


This 3-page paper is an example of an introductory letter to a professor or classmates....

Salary, Economics, and Professors at the University of California

they receive salary increases. The rules under which the University of California faculty works will be discussed on the following...

Professor-Student Friendships

College students are adults and many want to be ‘friends’ with their professors. How far can a professor go in these personal rela...

Review of the Film Version of Stephen King's The Green Mile

we see an older man who doesnt sleep well at night any more; his long walks and an old clip of Fred and Ginger dressed in their fi...

A Review of Cosmopolis by Stephen Toulmin

A 10 page essay reviewing the book by Stephen Toulmin. 2 sources....

Slavery in the First and Seventh Lincoln-Douglas Debates

This paper examines the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in terms of how the first and seventh debates dealt wi...

An Overview of Dirty White Boys

is somewhat of Pyles slave. His name is Richard and he is a clearly psychopathic killer as well as an artist. He draws pictures th...

Strategies to Survive and 'The Open Boat' by Stephen Crane

this situation held certain peril for these men. Second, the omniscient view has allowed Crane to describe, in a birds eye...

3 Authors on Ethnicity and Race

In nine pages this paper examines ethnicity and race as viewed by Elaine Bell Kaplan in 'Not our kind of girl : unraveling the myt...

The People from Heaven by John Sanford

In five pages ethnic and racial bigotry as represented in this novel by John Sanford are discussed....

Economic Frustration and Frustration-Agression Theory

As this suggests, the experience of being an American immigrant often includes "traumatic confrontation" with authority figures (P...

The Under Representation Ethnic Minority Students in College Attendance Figures

a lower proportional number of collage degrees than countries where there is an average or lower than average ethnic population. ...

American Ethnic Literature

do, and does if people are given the opportunity to study and read such work. While many could well associate Amy Tans work...


Discusses income ratios, including factory worker to CEO and ethnic minorities. There is 1 source in the bibliography of this 3-pa...

The Bible - Fact or Fiction?

This 8 page paper considers whether the Bible is fact or myth, and whether or not it provides an accurate account of real people a...

Evolution of Myth

aspects of the people from whom it is spawned. Barthes views on the evolution and purpose of myth are echoed...

University Professors' Productivity Measurement

sometimes give special lectures and these are often provided at no cost or for just a small fee. Other unpaid services that are ex...

Minor Characters in Willa Cather's The Professor's House and William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury

story (Sparknotes). Her husband is Roskus, a man who suffers greatly from rheumatism, a condition that will kill him. T.P. is...

Voodoo Heritage by Michel Laguerre

In five pages this paper examines the anthropological text in an evaluation of the myths and rituals the author describes....

Professor's House by Willa Cather and Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton

In seven pages this essay compares how each author presents common protagonists as deeply complex human beings. There are no othe...

The Red Badge of Courage, The Professor's House, and Individualism

In ten pages this paper presents a comparative analysis of individualism perceptions as reflected in these works by Stephen Crane ...

Mythic Image by Joseph Campbell

In five pages this paper discusses how Campbell's text distinguishes myth through art and also considers such topics as dreaming, ...


This 3-page paper is a book review for Berkun's Myths of Innovation....

Antigone Legend and Myth

( "Unmoved by the dissuading counsel of an affectionate but timid sister, and unable to procure assistance, she determi...