YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Greatest Military Leader

Essays 1 - 30

The Greatest Military Leader

One of the leaders who is always mentioned when discussing leaders in general and military leaders, in particular, is George S. Pa...

Military Leaders Make Good Business Leaders

are both former military officers (Des Moines Business Record, 1999). Dalzell said that he gained his leadership skills during his...

The Importance of Military Bearing

The writer discusses why military leaders must display military bearing if their units are to be successful in mounting the missio...

How the Local or Federal Government Can Benefit from Military Leadership and Experience

is rigidly controlled: they are expected to be at a certain place at a particular time, in a uniform that can pass a rigorous insp...

Julius Caesar's Military Campaigns

Today, there seems to be little dispute Caesar was one of the greatest figures in history as he took a prominent part in the affai...

Leaders Born or Made?

have been projected at retiring over the next five years (Byham, 1999). There are many examples of charismatic leaders it ...

Groups Need Direction

A leader will emerge in every group. Groups and teams need direction if they are to achieve their goals. If a formal/official lead...

How And Why The U.S. Military Has Repeatedly Been Unprepared To Execute Its Primary Mission At The Outbreak Of Hostilities

into battle was sure to be ill-equipped to come out alive. "Nothing is more dangerous in war than to rely upon peace training; fo...

Should Anthrax Vaccine Be Mandatory For Military

remind everyone that the FDA and independent medical researchers have consistently concluded the vaccine is safe (Department of De...

Future Trends in Employee Motivation and Compensation within the Military

in the areas of experiences (inputs), activities (processes) and rewards (outputs) in a global context" (p. 613), but their primar...

The Transformation of the US Military

which examined the issued of all-volunteer force in 1970 had relative little to say about women in the services, as they comprise...

Leadership Style/MacArthur & Patton

to be so remote as to be unapproachable (Manchester 5). He is described as wrapping "himself in a cloak of dignified aloofness" (M...

The Impact of Human Elements on Organizational Goals

elements are important and have an important role to play then just as they offer opportunity, they also present risk. This can be...


Discusses ethics and moral behavior that needs to be considered by a military leader, especially in light of today's situations. T...

Contrasting and Comparing Cochise and Crazy Horse

In six pages these two influential native American leaders are compared and contrasted in terms of military action, cultural and i...

Life and Military Achievements of Sudan's Muhammad Ahmad Ibn As-Sayyid' Abd Allah

In seven pages this paper examines the life and major military accomplishments of the Mahdi nineteenth century leader of Sudan. F...

Appraisal of General Douglas MacArthur

like Patton, even when there was nothing left to save but his own life, he still considered all others, as well as the nations int...

Using Animals for Research in Medicine

In a paper consisting of five pages the writer argues that using animals for medical research purposes is necessary because doing ...

NCOs and Their Troops and Article 91

a specific time and place to report for duty, and then claims the error is the E-4s fault. The senior NCO thus appears blameless a...

Just Following Orders

equipment someone has the responsibility of guarding it. These watches, like most everything else in the military, begin and end a...

Navy Personnel and Military Bearing

the way they care for their troops. They must be compassionate as well as inspiring, and the troops must know that they can go to ...

African American General Benjamin O. Davis, Sr.

In ten pages the many achievements of this celebrated U.S. general are discussed with his black military contributions also examin...

Bennis and Nanus and Kouzes and Posner

Most academics promote the premise that one is born with leadership ability or not but management can be taught. When he discusse...

Obstacles to Coming Home

the future are elements that are unexpectedly difficult. My decision to pursue the continuation of my education came after consid...

Leadership Theories

people and meanings including emotions, while managers work at a lower level of emotion and do not look for meaning, focusing on t...

Leading Diverse Groups

A leader will not be successful working with multicultural groups before he or she is aware of their own biases. These leaders nee...

How Group Leader Demonstrated Skills

This essay discusses the actions, skills, and knowledge of a group leader. It was a virtual higher education team, thus, these ski...

Various Leaders Same Goals

This 4 page paper explains how national leaders relate to grand bargain and leadership. This paper gives examples of leaders with ...

Nursing Leadership, an Interview

This essay presents an example paper that students can use as a guide in writing about an interview that with a nursing leader. Th...

Giving a False Report in the Military

an inspection, for instance. But this is relatively minor, compared to other problems that could arise from giving a false report...