YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The League of Nations Failure

Essays 121 - 150

China and the UN's Human Rights Policy

signed by individual nations as State parties. In order to assess their commitments under those covenants, committees meet regula...

Indians of British Columbia

In five pages the Indias of British Columbia are considered regarding such issues as race, class, and ethnicity along with an exam...

The Poor and Welfare Reform

In seven pages this paper argues that current welfare reform measures will hurt rather than help the nation's impoverished citizen...

Modernist Views of Nationalism

In six pages the modernist perspective is applied to nationalism in a consideration of Slavic nations' history and present activit...

How the Constitutional Convention Viewed the Power of the President

they wanted...namely a government which would stabilize the money and trade, keep order within the country and defend the nation a...

Main Components of Aggregate Income, Expenditure, and Output

In a paper of two pages the ways in which aggregate income, expenditure, and output represent the nation's economic system are pre...

Overview of Operation Provide Comfort of 1991 to 1996

In eight pages this paper discusses the refugee relief provided by the United Nation's Operation Provide Comfort from April of 199...

United Kingdom and Problem with Racism

This research paper considers the issue of racism within the cultural context of the United Kingdom and that nation's history. Thi...

The Economy of Singapore

This extensive review of Singapore's most recent economic history discusses the effects of the Asian currency crisis on Singapore ...

Economic Policy of Presidential Candidate George W. Bush

In three pages this paper discusses the U.S. presidential candidate's approach to the nation's economy. Four sources are cited in...

Cyprus Situation and Territorial Issues

In fourteen pages this paper examines the territorial issues associated with Cyprus in a consideration of peace efforts by the EU,...

Senior Citizen Care and Economics

In six pages this paper examines America's senior citizens in terms of the costs of health care and insurance and the impact upon ...

National Association of Orthopedic Nurses

NAON recognizes that learning and developing professional is a life-long processes and it helps orthopedic nurses achieve the goal...

"All the Shah's Men"

elected prime minister of Iran" (Keddie, 2003). Once Mossadegh was gone, the U.S. "reinstalled the countrys exiled monarch, Mohamm...

Higher Education and the Problem of Racism

This research paper investigates Spanish/Hispanic racism within the context of the nation's institutions fo higher education. This...

The Wilding of America by Charles Derber

and this becomes a motivation that people pursue over and above everything else. Derber asserts that we distance ourselves from s...

Edward Humes' 'No Matter How Loud I Shout : A Year in the Life of Juvenile Court'

This is a 5 page critical review that criticizes the nation's system of juvenile justice and its many shortfalls, emphasizing the ...

African Culture and Ideology and Its Impact Upon African Americans Past and Present

In this paper consisting of six pages the 'Africanness' thread that continues to link contemporary African Americans to their past...

The Haunting Legacy of Columbine

The Columbine massacre in Littleton, Colorado galvanized the nation as few other events had before 9/11. This paper discusses the ...

Comparison of Japan and India Demographic Rates

In six pages Japan and India's demographic rates are compared with conclusions drawn regarding each nation's concerns relating to ...

Emerging Markets of India and China

a most promising base for software development" (University of Bridgeport, nd). There are a number of risks in India, however, th...

Organized Crime Activity and the Impact of the UN

these actions by the United Nations will help alleviate the numbers of smuggling activity going on across international borders. ...

Economic Impact of Prisons

"California Governor Pete Wilson proposed adding 2,900 correctional employees to the California Department of Corrections -- more ...

The Impact of Multinational Labor On Host Nations

and Prague (Bello, 2001). The demonstrators argued that multinational corporations, i.e., globalization, ruins the host nations i...

'Nation' and State of Germany

For example, German nationalism represents the desire for a change in political and administrative structure. It has followed a d...

Comparing Cultures American and Korean Nonverbal Communication

holistic cultures have a greater propensity for listening with their eyes rather than with their ears, and so their body language ...

U.N.'s Bosnia Peacekeeping Mission and Support by the U.S.

would benefit from adopting a democratic political structure. What has worked for over two hundred years within the United States...

Post Second World War Era and its Influences

In four pages this research paper examines what influence the time period following the Second World War in this consideration of ...

Global Political Economy Challenges to the Global Political Economy: International Trade Policies, Globalization in Developing Countries, and Sustainable Development

and that new broad-based multilateral trade negotiations should be considered a priority on the international agenda. Huge develop...

September 12, 2002 Remarks Made by President George W. Bush to the U.N.

been and have been suffering for centuries such as disease and poverty, and also address the fact that major outside sanctions are...