YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Practical Application of Several Economic Principles

Essays 1 - 30

The Practical Application of Several Economic Principles

ice cream may have a high opportunity cost. When considering the marginal principle the way in which different products are desig...

Thermodynamics General Principles

In fifteen pages this research paper examines thermodynamics in terms of various principles and includes discussion of theoretical...

Mirror Focal Lengths and Their Practical Use

In a paper of seven pages, the writer looks at mirror focal lengths. Several practical applications for measuring focal lengths ar...

19th Century Physicist Albert Michelson and Basic Physics Principles

with those of Michelson) continue to have application even today. Michelson did not contend that new discoveries would not ...

General Medical Services Contract, National Health Service, and Practice Nursing

practitioner surgeries are run by practice nurses, only making referrals to other members of the healthcare team when required, Th...


Examines three principles from Colin Powell's 13 leadership principles. This is a 3-page paper....

Automotive Robotics Venture

Sales 100.00% 7,139,826 100.00% 6,610,950 Cost of goods sold 62.00% 4,426,692 64.00% 4,231,008 ---------------- ---------------...

Higher Education Facilities and the Application of Total Quality Management

impossible. Deming identified 14 points, or principles for management. They are: 1. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement...

Small Business and the Marketing of Computer Services

In seven pages this paper examines small business in an assessment of end to end computer systems services marketing with marketin...

Montessori Mathematics

Montessori understood that math is more than numbers and calculations. It involves space, patterns, symbols, and patterns and the ...

Justiciability of Socio-economic, Civil and Political Rights

as being conferred by the state upon the citizenry, but rather the people are perceived as holding these rights independently of t...

Keynesian Economics Views and and Impact of Paul Anthony Samuelson

In five pages this paper assesses the economic impact of Paul A. Samuelson particularly as it pertains to free market capitalism, ...

The Marketing of the Melbourne International Film Festival

critic" and one can appreciate how the cognitive process may be impacted by allowing them see themselves as a potential critic. ...

Lab Notes for Acceleration Under Gravity

adhering to the expected formulae exactly. In this case, we can attempt to reduce this friction in a few ways. The simplest would ...

Recent Economic Effects on Home Health

In 2001, health care spending as a percentage of GDP was 14.1 percent, or $5,035 per capita (Levit, Smith, Cowan, Lazenby, Senseni...

Paulo Freire/Pedagogy of the Oppressed

pedagogical approach is his definition of what it means to be a "democratic" instructor, that is someone who encourages and facili...

Nursing Economics/ Fiscal Realities

harms the healthcare systems of the home countries of these nurses, which ethically and morally limits its use. Another method t...

Improving the Interaction Between Marketing and Sales and the Application in the Case of Fair Trade Chocolate; A Research Proposal

that appears to be in demand; there has been increasing awareness of fair trade issues; many firms have been able to develop a com...

The Application of Organizational Politics and Leadership Theory in a Fast Food Restaurant

by examining the way that it can interfere with the normal organizational processes, such as recruitment, promotion, rewards and g...

An Artificial Intelligence Overview

in the form of mere "intelligence." Their bodies were physically dead, but they were supposedly alive in cyberspace. This brings u...

TSA Contact Center's Practical Implementation

In ten pages this paper discusses the Transportation Security Administration in a consideration of how its contact center can be l...

Statistical Trends Charts Illustration

In five pages U.S. trend charts that display economic information from 1998 are discussed and include a five year national deficit...

A Case Study Featuring Activity Based Costing

to understand this we need to look at what we mean by activity based cost accounting and how it actually works so that the potenti...

Comparing Models of Clinical Supervision

In twenty papers the Discrimination Model and Integrated Developmental Model are compared, contrasted with each other and the Skov...

Student Case Study on a Proposed Hospital Move

In nine pages this student case study discusses an impending hospital move within 5 months and the best way to handle a demoralizi...

Ainsworth/Attachment Theory

following discussion of attachment theory, which particularly focuses on the contributions of Ainsworth, offers an overview of it...

Cognitive Development Process

reversible mental actions * * Logical Use of symbols * Formal logic *6 Development of abstract concepts *...

Creative Thinking Development

commercial environment where there are both long term and shot term needs. II. Methodology This paper has been written with r...

Size of Society and Democracy

seeking it have been unable to achieve it on their own. This is high praise and noble purpose for a structure that Madison called...

2 Questions on Great Literature and Its Practical Applications

guiding light for Gilgamesh. It is also important to note that Gilgamesh himself seeks immortality as this is important to the sto...