YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :The Religions of Abraham

Essays 1 - 30

The Religions of Abraham

at the other religions, we see that all three believe in the "Word of God" as a direct and personal message to Man from the Divine...

Comparing Covenants and Religions of Moses and Abraham

lifestyle and covenant can be found in the book of the Exodus. Peter Henderson compared these two lives and covenants using the Ne...

Abraham Maslow's Religion, Values, and Peak Experiences

In five pages this essay considers this 1964 text in terms of its important points and discusses religion and science as being int...

Abraham and God's Covenant

This essay consists of five pages and focuses on the Chapters 13, 15, and 17 as they relate to Abraham's covenant with God and how...

History of Israel and Abraham's Role

In eight pages this paper discusses Israel's history and the role the prophet Abraham played. Nine sources are cited in the bibli...

Character of God Revealed in Joshua's Death and Abraham's Call

God Abraham received was detailed in Genesis as follows: "Go forth from your native land / And from your fathers house / And I wil...

Jung & Maslow On Religion

personal unconscious, there is also "an infinitely more important collective unconscious" (Connolly 151). This refers to a "repos...

The Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln

Civil War. It was originally planned that Lincoln would be kidnapped and used for ransom to set Confederate soldiers free so that ...

An Article Review on a Human Motivation Theory

of both his Preface paper and this new paper. Maslow states that his purpose is to: "formulate a positive theory of motivation w...

Slavery in the First and Seventh Lincoln-Douglas Debates

This paper examines the debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in terms of how the first and seventh debates dealt wi...

Abraham Joshua Heschel's Writings

In seven pages this paper discusses Man is Not Alone A Philosophy of Religion by noted Jewish theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel i...

A Comparison of Five Religions

Koran, Jews follow the Torah or Tanakh (Rich, 2006), Buddhists follow the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama was is also known as the...

Abraham And Moses - Leadership Characteristics

(Friedman and Friedman, 2006). As an example, he was once sitting outside his tent on a very hot day, he saw three strangers and i...

Hybridity and the Literature of Singapore and Malaysia

Culturally-relevant literature generally reflects the foundations of the culture in which it was developed, often creating a view ...

"Mama Might Be Better Off Dead," A Book Review

This essay offers a book review of Linda K. Abraham's book "Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Urban of Urban Heath Car...

Genesis Chapter 22, Exegesis of Lines 1 through 19

In five pages most of Genesis' Chapter 22 is analyzed in order to determine Abraham's test significance. Five sources are cited i...

Muslims, Jews, and Christians View of Abraham

In a paper consisting of six pages the contention that conflicts throughout the world cannot be blamed on Abraham's separation fro...

What is Religion

to the heart of "religions purpose and meaning" (Idinopulos). In other words, the "study of religion is not the same thing as the ...

Religion and the Role of Women in the Middle East

gender equality is seen throughout the world and not limited to the Middle East (Kandiyoti, 1991). To assess the link between wo...

Japan and U.S. Second World War Occupation

of nature. These two factors can be seen in the both the practice of calligraphy., and its design images. In attempting to find ...

Afterlife, Reincarnation, and Religion

In eight pages this paper discusses how the three global religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Catholicism perceive reincarnation a...

The Politics and Metaphysics of Thomas Hobbes

same time that other men pursue the same desires (Hobbes 185). The development of enemies comes from this course of natural compe...

Mythic Image by Joseph Campbell

In five pages this paper discusses how Campbell's text distinguishes myth through art and also considers such topics as dreaming, ...

Religion and a Samurai's Life in Musui's Story

In five pages this paper analyzes society and religion as they pertain to Musui's Story....

How My Life Was Changed by Buddhism

because of the construct of human nature, and the constant conflict caused by physical needs, sexual urges, and the desires for lo...

Religion and Secularization

theory of the secular, in other words, the idea that religion would fade in significance as the industrial society grew in importa...

International Business and the Implications of Religion and Ethics

Heres where we get onto more of a sticky situation. Ethics is something else that is societal, but it can change from society to s...

Religion Known as 'Purrfectionism'

was a beautiful, graceful and loving Cat. Hibert was inspired to create the religion now called Purrfectionism. Purrfectionism i...

Religion in the History of Early America

faculties, they "won admirers by their eloquence" (Norton et al 33). The Jesuits drew on science to predict "solar and lunar eclip...

Buddhism and Christianity

to enlightenment. The aim of the focus is to achieve an ultimate and final freedom from existence (Religious Tolerance [1], 2007)....