YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Theology of Biblical Leadership

Essays 1 - 30

Theology of Biblical Leadership

I chose you" (Willmon 7). Harold Quinley conducted a study in the 1970s that explored what factors contributed to making pastors...

From every People and Nation, A biblical theology of race/J. Daniel Hays

who subsequently play a central role in Hays study, as the Bible clearly indicates that these people were black Africans. He offer...

Consideration of Biblical Theology in the Old Testament

In fifteen pages Old Testament theology is considered in various sections that include models, debates, and a discussion of theori...

Biblical Paradigm and Ministry Theology

In ten pages ministry is defined from a theological perspective. Nine sources are cited in the bibliography....

A Theology Book For Everyone

words of major scholars and theologians from the past and present to explain ideas. There is another statement the author makes ...

Theology of the Old Testament

In thirteen pages this paper examines Child's Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Chris...

Theology of Missions

New Testament is diverse and encompasses multiple and, sometimes, conflicting perspectives. One of the most intriguing of these ...

Differentiate between Apologetics and Fundamental Theology

The entitled issue and 24 other issues are discussed in this essay. The issues are related to theology including fundamental theol...

Servant Leadership

the kingdom of heaven and the Father in heaven and he also emphasizes Jesus lineage from David (NIV, p. 1433). Matthew does not li...

Unified Christian Belief

In six pages this paper examines the unity of belief that was called for by The Second Vatican Council's Dogmatic Constitution on ...

Christian Leadership

be incorporated into our actions. The Book of Acts shows that the Apostles and the disciples followed through on this type of le...

Missions, Theology, Praxis

praxis means different things to different people. Some believe praxis is a way to acquire truth and that praxis may even be a mod...

Esther and Ruth Biblical Analysis

In four pages this essay contrasts and compares these biblical books and the women that are featured in them....

Comparative Analysis of the Book of Esther and the Book of Ruth

and find a life that surely offered more wealth and more stability. In light of such realities we must argue that Ruth was more th...

Thoughts for Theologians in Cities

This essay defines and discusses urban theology. It discusses cities and urban areas in the Bible and in today’s society. The essa...

Fundamental Theories/Nursing Faculty Shortage

in nursing educators aged 36 to 45 (Lewallen, et al, 2003). To complicate matters further, recent statistics show that nurses wh...

Leadership as a Privilege

In one page this essay discusses the privileges of a leadership that is earned in an examination of successful leadership qualitie...

Theology of C.S. Lewis

seen in the Narnia series. For example, in the Narnia stories, a principal character is Aslan, the "Lord of the Wood," is a "Chri...

Hierarchical Church And Liberation Theology

church. The laws and regulations may change but those changes take a very long time. Our society has changed dramatically over t...

The United Church Of Canada

one traces the history of each of the three denominations in the country. The Methodists and the Presbyterians were highly organiz...

2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 Exegesis

speaking against him were false apostles. There is some question as to exactly who these false apostles are. Some scholars suggest...

Servant Leadership

that the servant leader will bring harmony,, meaning and order (Sendjaya and Sarros, 2002). Both TDIndustires and Synovus are cons...

Theorists and Liberation Theology

role in defining oppression and also relieving it. Gutierrezs perspective is presented clearly in his work Theology of Liberation...

North American Liberation Theology and the Feminist Theology of Latin America

In twenty pages this paper compares the feminist theology of Latin America with North American liberation theologies. Eight sourc...

Secular and Biblical Management

In four pages secular and biblical leadership as each pertains to a business setting are considered with a discussion of several b...

Christology of Matthew Fox

and orientation. Fox argues that there is a "creation-centered spirituality" within the framework of Christian tradition that shou...

The Emergence of Feminist Theology

experiences of women (Hilkert, 1995). Her ideas struck a chord in the public and since her article more than thirty years ago, nea...

Importance of Theology

only unnecessary, it is redundant. They are right in some respects. God does know everything. God knows what each of us needs and ...

Leadership - Goleman as the Basis of New Model

leadership requires more than this, as Peter Drucker states, the leaders need to have followers, to inspire and to achieve results...

Issues Concerning Leadership

managers and leaders, which are sometimes hard to discern, one thing that is certain is that leaders manage and mangers lead. Each...