YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Theories of Memory and Learning

Essays 1 - 30

Memory and Learning

These problems have a neurological base. They can interfere in learning basic skills, such as reading, and they can also impede hi...

Student with Learning Disabilities and Memory

In twenty pages this essay examines how memory factors into the learning disability equation and how memory can be developed and i...

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Mind Through Psychology

In five pages this paper discusses how greater understanding of the mind processes regarding behavior, learning, and memory have b...

Word Processing Programs Support Cognitive Learning

Word processing programs support the cognitive learning theory by helping students learn how to edit their documents from beginnin...

Describing Human Memory

In seventeen pages various descriptions of human memory are examined in a consideration of childhood memories recollection, B.F. S...

Criminal Justice and Various Educational Strategies

appropriate way students are able to obtain a full and eclectic spectrum of what is being taught. Of course, not every subject ne...

Issues in Educating for Nurses

This essay discusses learning theories, diverse learners, motivation,and evaluation.There are ten sources listed in the bibliogra...

Adult Learning Theory

2006, p. 551). The assignment calls for students to relate how the topic can be applied in their academic life. This perspective...

Memory Development

of studies demonstrate the need for instruction in learning basic concepts during the early years. The investigations related to ...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Ddifferent Issues about Memory

related to learning. 1.1 Human Memory The human mind has often been compared to a computer. In fact, the advent of the computer...

Differences in Memory Retention Between Television and Print Media

This paper provides a proposal for a research study on the topic of learning and memory retention. The author poses the question ...

The Importance of Memory in Beloved by Toni Morrison

While they were feeling the freedom of loving themselves, they were growing in their own appreciation of each other and placing a ...

A Learning Activity and 3 Theoretical Applications

warm-blooded mammals that bear life young and most are insect-eaters (Krantz and Barrow, 2003). Considering the many misconception...

Learning Potential Among Students With Learning Disabilities

This paper examines various learning styles, as well as different learning theory relating to the education of students with learn...

Theories of Memory and Learning

support, the nature versus nurture ideas. Having studied the proposed theories, one has to determine that one swings as far to th...

Cognitive Growth Theories

a term applied to the education of handicapped children who had neurological, sensory, cognitive, and/or physical handicaps (Gindi...

Learning Comprehension

in that they know what the purpose of learning how to read is. Children do not necessarily equate a pleasant purpose. There are m...

Cognitive Learning Theories

information, linking new to old knowledge, schema, and scripts" (NSW HSC Online, n.d.). The major premise in the cognitive schoo...

Memory, Repetition in Learning, and Psychology

In eleven pages this literature review considers the importance of psychology in learning in this analysis of repetition and memor...

Memory and Learning Cellular Mechanisms

In twelve pages a proposal regarding a research study outlining memory and learning's basic cellular mechanisms is presented with ...

Language Production and Semantic Memory

long been the study of linguistics and psycholinguistics. A source of deep fascination is the way language works and its power and...

Memory Types

and previous experience can create a subjective interpretation of the experience, which is recorded as important also impacts on t...

Developing Children's Memory by Using Music

planets from the sun for instance memorize this sentence: Men Very Easily Make Jugs Serve Useful Nocturnal Purposes (thus Mercury,...

Memory Research and its Value

factors, psychological factors and cognitive factors. There is a vast amount of information about the human memory and how it deve...

Aspects Of Memory

information is not retrievable. As well, "the capacity of STM varies with the meaningfulness of the material" (Taylor, 2006). ...

Learning Theories - Emphasis On Adult Learning Theories

transformative experience when the conditions are such that the learner is involved in reflection. This essay discusses the lear...

Gary Soto/”Oranges”

trees carry with them the promise of spring and new growth, new beginnings, which is evocative of the fact that the two children s...

Overview of Short Term Memory Loss Research

appropriate, but notes that there are no pharmaceutical treatments available specifically for short term memory loss. The c...

Leadership And Motivation Models

models emphasized attitude, such as the degree of concern the leader had for completing the product versus their concern for the p...