Essays 1 - 30

Things of Value

that unopened cans are safe, as are things like crackers, pasta and other "dry foods" (Eighner, p. 122). He has learned how to jud...

Values Reevaluation in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

In seven pages the ways in which Okonkwo is unable to comprehend the changes to his life in terms of the transformation of his vil...

Things Fall Apart: A Cultural Analysis of Chinua Achebe's Novel

This act served a dual significance - it ended Okonkwos life and anguish, and it was a parting shot to the Christianity that had t...

Competitive Advantage and Value Creation era and offer the following table to illustrate these changes. Whats out Whats in First-mover advantage First-prover ...

Comparing Alice Walker's 'Everyday Things' with Eudora Welty's 'Why I Live at the Post Office'

it clear that there are many unsolved frictions between the two sisters, frictions which include the fact that the youngers husban...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth, and 'Seeing Into the Life of Things'

issues regarding his position as an adult, presenting us with a serious and introspective perspective: "To them I may have owed a...

Material Things' Existence and Proof from John Locke and Rene Descartes

In ten pages An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John Locke and Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes are asses...

'Beautiful and Just Things,' 'Just' and Plato's The Republic and Phaedo

In six pages this paper discusses the philosophical distinctions Socrates made between these two concepts as presented in Plato's ...

Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things

entire novel is the childrens experience with love. Rahels relationship with her twin brother goes far beyond love; despite the fa...

Cycle Time Throughput Time Hospital

The focus of this paper is colonoscopy procedures at a clinic. This essay discussed cycle time and throughput time, the percent va...

The Idea of Exchange According to Marx and Smith

something being exchanged is worth what it can be traded for. It is explained that "the exchange value of a commodity is for Marx ...

Four Things That Will Help Improve the Quality of Life for Others

everyone needs to exercise and eat a well-balanced diet. Here, one way to help might be for a person to assist older people with t...

Mediation of a Business Dispute

to be handled is the last. If Betty is screaming, shes going to say something that she will later regret; in addition, theres not ...


reform bill" will end up punishing the wrong people and institutions. This is not to say the bill isnt a well-meaning attempt on t...

Overview of Jibber Jabber

In five pages things that have no meaning are discussed....

African Literature and the Importance of Generational Values

are eradicated by the arrival of Christian missionaries (Achebe 1994). Chimamanda Adichies "The Purple Hibiscus" tells a story si...

Gangster Rap and Family Values

be allowed to air anything extremely offensive if the government funds it or it is over the free air waves. For example, Howard St...

Russian Masculinity and Changing Cultural Norms

sufficient enough pay to maintain his family. Bob becomes depressed, despondent and even suicidal. Bob is not alone, however. T...

The Ecosystems of Brazil

distinct American Indian cultures (McDermott, 1998). Approximately one-half of the worlds terrestrial species of wildlife live in...

S-D Logic - A New Paradigm for Value Creation

The writer reviews an article entitled "On value and value co-creation: A service systems and service logic perspective", which ad...

Hewlett-Packard's New Leader

This essay discusses HP's new CEO, Meg Whitman. The paper comments on her values and their alignment with corporate values, her pa...

Is Working Too Many Hours Good?

There are some who feel that working overtime is good because it allows an individual to get ahead at work, or that it allows them...

The Poor Treatment of the American History

for the Native Americans and they did this without a thought to their natural human rights. American historical facts supports thi...

Best Things in Life, No they are not free

does not require money in order for an individual to acquire it. In terms of the clich?, this indicates that the "best things in l...

When Are Your Creations Yours

Copyright laws have been in force for decades. They tend to be somewhat vague leaving people confused about things like plagiarism...

France as the Ideal Vacation Spot

architecture includes the ultra modern, such as the modern art center commissioned by French president Georges Pompidou,, as the s...

Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing

solely for blasting rap music on his boom box. A local DJ, Mister Senor Love Daddy, who operates a radio station also acts as a co...

The Advancement of Women and Barriers to Success

"include the collection and disaggregation of employment related data which make it difficult to ascertain the status of various g...

Lesson Plans/NY Standards/Science

The column for "L" what the students have learned is left blank and filled in as the week progresses. Lesson 2 involves begins w...