YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Tlon Uqbar Orbis Tertius by Jorge Luis Borges

Essays 1 - 9

'Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius' by Jorge Luis Borges

the author - harbor the repression of ones unconscious, a theory many believe to be the most significant milestone of his career. ...

Flowing Time in Tlon, Ugbar, Orbis, Tertius and The Circular Ruins by Jorge Luis Borges

part of the 1944 compilation entitled Ficciones, probed time flow and temporality in ways that deviated from literary tradition an...

Borges: "The Garden of the Forking Paths"

Tsun says no one can know his "innumerable contrition and weariness" (Borges). What does Borges mean when he claims the world is ...

“The Garden of Forking Paths”

of the unsolvable interlinked labyrinth through the pursuits of Yu Tsun, the great grandchild of the philosopher Tsui Pen who quit...

The Chess Game by Jorge Luis Borges

The writer describes the way in which Jorge Luis Borges uses the techniques of magic realism and metaphor in his poem. The paper i...

Two Ways of Looking at Time by Jorge Luis Borges

The writer explores two works by Borges, Mutations and A New Refutation of Time and discusses their relationship to the author's v...

'Circular Ruins' by Jorge Borges

other hand, proposes that time is circular and events are cyclical. The old mystic who dreams is dreaming specifically to create...

Death in Jorge Manrique's 'Coplas'

different than the perspectives of the world at the time. Near the beginning of Manriques poem he states, "Let none be self-delud...

Tertius Lydgate and Dorothea Brooke in Middlemarch by George Eliot

perform surgeries. However, as philanthropic as Lyndgate sounds, his true colors would seem to be shown in his marriage t...