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Totalitarianism Indictment in Animal Farm by George Orwell

a committed socialist. And yet, Orwell might have been the only one who considered himself to be a socialist. However, because of...

George Orwell's Animal Farm, Richard Attenborough's Film Gandhi, and Social Revolution

In five pages this paper examines social revolution as depicted in this novel and film. There is 1 source cited in the bibliograp...

Animal Farm by George Orwell

In five pages this paper summarizes and provides an analysis for this novel written by George Orwell. One source is cited in the ...

Analyzing Animal Farm by George Orwell

exploit animals, all humans united against them: the true struggle is between animals and humans" (406). In Animal Farm, George O...

George Orwell's Animal Farm as a Russian Revolution Satire

fair and easy (yet deceitful) life of communism. How does George Orwell relate all of this to animals, however? As George Orwe...

An Examination of George Orwell's Animal Farm

the animals and they all break out, running to the house where the food is kept. Mr. Jones discovers what has happened and he trie...

Revolution, George Orwell's Animal Farm and the Film Gandhi

farmer, the oppressor. However, once the pigs were in place and the rules established, the farm animals found themselves under a...

Character of Old Major in Animal Farm by George Orwell

farm listens to him and believes him and looks up to him. "Word had gone round during the day that old Major, the prize Middle Whi...

Trilogy of J.R.R. Tolkien and Identity

be a journey towards finding himself once again. Now, this is not to say that he will ever become what he once was, for this is im...

True or False Animals Are All Created Equal But There Are Some That Are More Equal Than Others

existence is it considered more equal than others, which is why ants are stepped on with careless effort, a milk cow is destroyed ...

Babe Film and Oppression

In five pages this paper examines how animal oppression is portrayed in this 1995 children's film and also in Animal Farm by Georg...

Saving Face: An Analysis of George Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”

which he attended from 1917-1921 (Merriman). In 1922, Blair went to Burma, apparently following his fathers inspiration, and join...

Comparative Analysis of Animal Farm Novel and Movie

This paper contrasts and compares the narrative that appears in the film version of Animal Farm and that of the novel penned by Ge...

Power in Animal Farm by George Orwell, Oedipus Rex by Sophocles and Hamlet by William Shakespeare

In five pages this report analyzes how power is featured in these respective works and how they influence the featured characters ...

Review of Animal Farm by George Orwell

could have happened when the intentions were so noble. In other words, this novel/fable is a "must read" for anyone trying to unde...

Orwell's Animal Farm

freedom for the sake of wealth and power. As mentioned, many see this work as a novel that encourages true socialist societies. ...

Common Themes in Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984

In this five page paper the writer explores two of George Orwell's most popular books. Common themes are discussed in relation to...

Orwell/1984 Overview

and the public. Party slogans exemplify doublethink, as they proclaim that war is really peace, freedom is really slavery, etc. Wh...

The Theme of Surveillance in Orwell's 1984

recorded today. With computer technology what it is today, it is difficult to escape the watchful eye of the government and the po...

The Use of Satire by Jonathan Swift and George Orwell

the animals story follows exactly that of the two men: At first Snowball is Napoleons trusted companion; soon he becomes a rival; ...

Totalitarianism Themes in 1984 by George Orwell

be infiltrated by hackers. In some ways the tables have turned. 1998 is not 1984. Rather, it is a topsy turvy world where the thes...

English Language Decadence and the Views of George Orwell

In fifteen pages this paper discusses how Orwell expresses his fears about the English language being degraded in his essay 'Polit...

U.S. Antiterrorism Tactics After September 11, 2001

because of the impact they have on personal freedoms. Some proclaim, in fact that such provisions are simply another excuse for "...

Totalitarianism in the Works of George Orwell and Margaret Atwood

that instead of continued efforts toward gender equality, the social "pendulum" might actually carry society backward in regards t...

Totalitarianism and Sexuality in Works by Margaret Atwood and George Orwell

In ten pages this essay examines totalitarian control of sexuality as depicted in The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood and Ninet...

Albert Camus' The Plague, Rats, and Fascism

In eight pages this paper comprised of 3 sections discusses how Camus' work is an indictment aganst fascist totalitarianism with t...

Totalitarianism and How It Originated

the human omnipotence and the genuinely powerless. The books grim analysis of totalitarianisms origin leads the author to ass...

Anti Semitism and Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt

from a class structure to a more business structure. But the costs of doing so, she notes, were far beyond what a government could...

Animal Feeding Operations

Very few independent farms product meat and crops today. Instead, there are huge corporations that are involved in these activitie...

The Fur Industry and Its Cruelty To Animals

move one way or the other without causing severe pain. In its attempts to free itself, the animal only does further damage to the...