YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Treatment Programs for Sex Offenders
Essays 1 - 30
In nine pages this research paper discusses literature on sex offender treatment programs and then an integrative program is prese...
that Scheela supervised, she heard the gruesome details of the abuse that one member of the group endured as a child, as well as t...
juvenile offender who targets adults and peers the approaches which seem to be having the most success are those which elicit comp...
In nine pages this paper examines Megan's Law of New Jersey in an overview of how the state of New York treats sex offenders and s...
Juvenile justice models are considered in an overview consisting of seven pages in which the community corrections approach to juv...
is responsible for such behaviors as domestic violence. By exploring how women have dealt with these traumatic and exploitive occ...
United States, everyone has equal rights. That charming theory doesnt always play out in practice, however, and sex offenders tend...
patterns of response throughout the test. The scales by which alleged or admitted sexual offenders are assessed work in slightly ...
Clearly, not everyone is a fan of the boot camp approach to rehabilitation, with critics contending how such brutal methods do not...
This usually involves some type of probation arrangement or counseling/treatment (The Center for Young Womens Development Handbook...
fails to perform the mandated service (Barkan and Bryjak, 2011). Other strategies include house arrest, with electronic monitoring...
This research paper pertains to the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act (AWCPSA, 2006), as a component in the history of t...
were carried out by women who had, had it with the system which had failed to protect them from an abusive spouse. Says Nadler, "F...
In five pages this paper discusses dyslexia, treatment effectiveness, and remedial teaching programs....
is a great deal of difficulty resuming normal life. This is true for any convict, but it is especially difficult for the sex offen...
the number of suspected incidents of child abuse and neglect topped 1.9 million cases; by 1994, over 3.1 million children were rep...
In five pages three articles featuring the topic of homosexuality are summarized and analyzed. They are Christopher Hewitt's 'Hom...
under federal law" (Anderson, 2004). The California law allowing the medical use of...
define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The same debate in mostly-liberal Vermont several years ago resulted in ...
conclusions reached by these research teams. The point of this investigation is to try to discern patterns in the literature that ...
This research paper takes the position that comprehensive sex education is more effective than abstinence sex education programs. ...
any longer than the regular sex education curriculum that is taught in many schools and that "Morality needs to incorporate realit...
2006). With many available programs for offenders, what might be done with a particularly problematic criminals? II. Case Study: ...
the ways in which individuals use sex for their personal agendas. There are a plethora of health benefits that are associ...
This paper is an evaluation of Restoration House's New Hope for Families program, which is a community-based residential treatmen...
In fifteen pages this research paper considers the causes, definitions, and incidences of child abuse and includes theories, stati...
In six pages this essay argues against the option of plea bargaining for sex offenders and violent criminals with the Megan Kanka ...
In fourteen pages this paper examines Megan's Law in a case law assessment as well as its impact upon the privacy of convicted sex...
In five pages this paper discusses the social and legal problems Megan's Law and registries present for individuals convicted of s...
about sex, sexual deviation as well as obsessive behaviors. It appears as if he was born this way and that he cannot stop himself ...