Essays 1 - 29

Border Between US and Mexico and Tuberculosis's Cultural Aspects

needs to be explored as to why such a high number of cases exists." 2.0 Complicating Factors...

Cultural Responses to the Plague and Tuberculosis

the conditions of the poor were supposed to be upgraded by industrial innovations; but, on the other hand, company waste and inade...

South Africa and Tuberculosis

significant need for labour in this industry; this contributed to the massive expansion in respect to the urban African populatio...

Tuberculosis, Head Lice, and School Disease

shown to be one of the sources where such harmful bacteria occur. Stemming directly from livestock populations, Mycobacterium par...

Northern England, the Reemergence of Tuberculosis, and DOTS

("New ways...TB" 6). This resurgence of TB poses a severe public health challenge. The following examination of available literatu...

Clinical Considerations of a Tuberculosis Case Study

which initiates a series of events that will either successful contain the infection or prompt it progression toward active diseas...

Spinal Tuberculosis Management and Prevention Literature Review

is actually a form of tuberculosis. The story of Alexander Pope is just an anecdote and by no means signifies its origin. Skeleton...

Case Study Analysis (Tuberculosis)

Also, the kind of level or evidence presented by the quote is limited. There are merely charges shown, but no proof or evidence is...


pass the disease on to other people (DHPE, 2007). However, they do have the ability to get the disease (DHPE, 2007). Tuber...


stop taking antibiotics which, of course, leads to a condition wherein the TB is not fully cured or treated. But, Farmer noted tha...

Tuberculosis and New Mexico

threatened almost everyone, regardless of social status. The disease ultimately led to many states implementing what was called ...

TB Still Claims Millions of Lives

are 53,000 new TB cases in the country each year and about 10,000 die from this disease (UNAMA, 2012). That is a rate of about 38 ...

Cost Effectiveness and Addressing Tuberculosis

This paper outlines the World Health Organizations DOTs and Stop TB strategies. There are three sources in this four page paper. ...

Response to Tuberculosis Outbreak

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at disaster response efforts. A 2012 response to a Colorado tuberculosis outbreak is e...

Tuberculosis, An Overview

This research paper presents an overview of the problem of tuberculosis (TB) in the US. Causes and transmission, at-risk groups, s...

Etiology of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

to increase because of the AIDS virus (Tuberculosis, 1990- Free Press). II. Analytical Discussion: Pulmonary Tuberculosis; T...

World Health Organization and Global Health Issues

most pressing concern was a thorough assessment of the health issues and problems throughout the world and to suggest ways of deal...

Causative Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Organism

In six pages this paper examines this tuberculosis organism in a consideration of causes, contributing factors, vaccines, and the ...

Overview of Tuberculosis

only logical that they would pass it along to the humans who ingest their milk. Attempts to quell the organism by way of laborato...

Prison Tuberculosis, HIV, and AIDS

In this paper consisting of eight pages there is background information on HIV, AIDs, and tuberculosis in the prison system provid...

Tuberculosis and New Types of Testing

RFLP. Kaul (2001) explains that nucleic acid amplification technologies like PCR have revolutionized the detection of infec...

Homeless Individuals and Tuberculosis

a sure bet that the individual involved has already been in touch with and has infected others, unknowingly. As outlined ...

Human Health Threats of Infectious Diseases and the Return of Tuberculosis in America, Cholera in Zaire and Rwanda, and the Plague in India

In seven pages this paper discusses the human health dangers posed by the return of these infectious diseases. Two sources are in...

Infectious Disease Return in Zaire, Rwanda, India, and the United States

agreement set ambitious goals for the eradication of disease, predicting that even the poorest nations would undergo a health tran...

'What is Postmodern Illness?' by David Morris

time, cats were associated with Satanism. One medieval pope actually issued a decree that all the cats in Christendom should be ki...

Poe/Annabel Lee

a child and she was a child/In this kingdom by the sea" (lines 7-8). These lines, as do the opening lines of the poem, establish a...

Narrative Essay on the Most Influential Person in My Life, My Grandmother (Lola)

because of her pride seldom uttered a complaint. Like most Filipino girls, she married and became a housewife. Her husband (my L...

Effects of DOT on LA TB Patients

Patient adherence to a prescribed chemotherapy is particularly crucial to the goal of positive patient outcomes in regards to trea...

Sixteen Microorganisms and Their Impact on Human Health

This paper provides a species overview, diagnostic techniques, and recommended treatment for Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium ...