YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Twentieth Century History of France 1940 1944 and the Impact of Vichy on the Modern French State

Essays 1 - 30

Twentieth Century History of France (1940-1944) and the Impact of Vichy on the Modern French State

defeat and foreign occupation France suffered between 1940 and 1944 form one of the darkest and most controversial chapters in the...

Review of Cotton Belt to Sun Belt by Bruce Schulman

in Southern states, rather than Northern ones). But Roosevelt wasnt helping the South out of the goodness of his heart - h...

Observations in History, Nationalism, and Military Strategy and Technology

measuring stick against which all the answers to all the questions could be compared to see if they measured up. Not only was sci...

France's Vichy Regime and Autonomy

horrors, and the events of the Vichy government during that era still haunt the country (France and the Vichy Regime, 2003). Pres...

Rise of Modern Art

(Modern Art Movements, 2008). Impressionist painters, such as Manet, Claude Monet and Edgar Degas, preferred to paint outside, w...

Gay History

In five pages this paper considers the history of homosexuality in ancient Greece, Japan of the seventeenth century, England of th...

Historical Significance of Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad II

In five pages the twentieth century relevance of Heart of Darkness is considered in this historical perspective of Joseph Conrad's...

Art of the Barbizon School

the French Revolution, began a revolutionary spirit which spread through much of Europe. In 1848, the year in which Marx and Enge...

The Biological, Psychological, and Social Obstacles to Understanding Transsexuality

the treatise Feminization of males and masculinization of females (Meyerowitz, 2002). Meyerowitz (2002) claims Steinachs research...

France and the Women's Suffrage Movement

In fourteen pages this paper examines how it was not until 1944 that France granted women voting rights. Ten sources are cited in...

German Occupation and French Cinema

such, "the French government, recognizing the need to entertain the troops and the civilian population, allowed certain film produ...

German Occupation of France and French Films

?vident que le Fran?ais avait appris quelque chose de WWI quand beaucoup dindustries ont ?t? arr?t?es et ont nui ? la nation. En t...

Jean Paul Sartre's No Exit

In five pages this paper examines the theme of freedom to make individual choices as depicted in No Exit, a 1944 play by French Ex...

Analyzing France's Power Fall

In twelve pages the fall of France during the 1940 Nazi invasion is the focus of this paper and is considered from cultural, econo...

Revolution Concept of Jacques Ellul

In five pages this paper examines Jacques Ellul's concept of revolution within the context of European history from the sixteenth ...

State of Texas is More Western Than Southern

simply because it was one of the nations most important cattle producing states. This was not a state that caused people to thi...

World History and Ethnic Group Persecution

The main reason why the Huguenots were unpopular with the majority in France during the time period was because they were not of t...

France and Anti Semitism

The German occupation in Vichy France and anti Semitism are the focus of this paper consisting of eleven pages and also includes o...

The French Revolution and Changing Alliances

The French Revolution had a reverberating effect not just on France but on the world. State relations changed dramatically during...

20th Century Development and Industrialized Countries' Impact

Part of the "umbrella of protection" that has been extended to lesser developed countries by the more industrialized countries of ...

The Transformation of Cairo into its Modern Counterpart

20 pages and 10 sources. This paper provides an overview of modern Cairo, a city that is completely modern in so many ways, but h...

Macroeconomic Impact of France's Participation in the European Union

a prescribed requirement for inclusion in the monetary union (Anonymous, 2001, Dec. 30). Nevertheless, many people believe that th...

Education and Computer Uses

In five pages the evolution of computers in the field of education is traced to the 1944 MARK 1 installation as discussed in the J...

Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries' Emigration from Ireland to the United States

In six pages the immigration to the United States by the Irish is examined in terms of the struggles and achievements that were en...

A Policing and Police History

This is an informational research paper consisting of ten pages in which policing dating back to the ancient Egyptians and Sumeria...

Broadcasting Forms Prior to 1940 Contrasted

working at the Marconi station atop Wanamakers department store when he picked up a message relayed from ships at sea: "S.S. Titan...

Swimsuit Evolution

with a basic contrasting solid red or white color. Primary colors and geometric shapes were all the rage, with accessorized bathi...

French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and Women's Condition Changes

The same situation followed women for much of the next two centuries. It persists today in even the most developed nations; still...

Tom Nairn's Article on 'Micro States'

In three pages an article summary pertaining to the micro states' sensation is presented in a consideration of concept, statistics...

Comparison of Texts on History

In six pages the history texts Five Days in London, May 1940 by John Lukacs, The Coming Anarchy by Robert D. Kaplan, Cafe Europa b...