Essays 31 - 60

1587, A Year of No Significance by Ray Huang

In five pages this paper examines the 1587 collapse of China's Ming dynasty as depicted in Ray Huang's text....

Will the Dragon Rise Again? Reviewed

In three pages this paper discusses China's post Confucianism cultural and philosophical transitions within the context of this bo...

Middle East and China

In five pages the political and trade relationships between China and the Middle East are discussed and U.S. trade agreements are ...


become the power that it has become. Some call the transformation - in less than 30 years - nothing short of a miracle....

China’s Increasingly Important Role in the Global Economy

to as market socialism. 1.1 Aims and Objectives The objective of this paper is to assess the way in which China is adapting to ...

1999 to 2005 Economy of China

that this is relatively low for China in recent years. The Gross Domestic Product is a monetary value of all of the...

China and the Financial Foreign Policy of the United States

In twenty pages this research paper discusses China's rapidly growing economy and how this impacts the US' foreign exchange rate p...

WTO Entrance Bid by China and Its Media Coverage

example of the ever-expanding (or more accurately "shrinking") international arena as the new "global village." China and the WT...

The Development of China as a Significant Economic Force

5 pages and 5 sources used. This paper provides a view of the nature of change in China and the impact of economic change and tra...

Historical Issues in Levathes' Novel, When China Ruled the Seas

This paper discusses the importance of trade and commerce on China's history as portrayed in Louise Levathes' 1994 novel. This fi...

Project Proposal for China's Economic Development

place China as the third largest economy in the world, the United States and Japan hold the first two places (Cheng, 2003). To be...

China's Rule of the Seas Report

account of daily life for the people in Ming China. One can actually visualize their lives and understand some of the ordinary tr...

China and Canadian Exports

of the rules. Even with this in place, theres no guarantee exports will get to market, as KFC learned (well examine this later in ...

Can The Coffee Trade be Fair on Farmers?

Coffee is a popular drink, with the industry worth billions of dollars. The trade relies on exports from developing nations. The ...

China’s Involvement with Tibet

hierarchies strengthened (Tibet - Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation, 2003). But it became clear that China was the predomi...

Is Globalisation an Extension of International Trade?

of coal for the same cost as 200 tones of potatoes, and one can produce 100 of potatoes for the same cost to resources as 200 tone...

Fair Trade In The United Kingdom

items (Oxfam, 2007). In 2005, "Oxfam sold ?3.4 million worth of Fairtrade food" (Oxfam, 2007). These included a vast assortment of...

The Trade of Feeder Container Ships

This 9 page paper looks at the trade and commercial operations of feeder container ships. The paper looks at what trade they take ...

India-Australia Trade

in 2004. This does not increase direct trade but indicates the increase in indirect trade. Trade has increased and become e...

International Trade Theory in the Real World

1 using the SITC categories. All figures given are in $ millions unless otherwise stated. Figure 1 Imports and Exports of chemica...


are duties on it is payable. James the common agricultural policy is to equalize prices between goods which are imported into the...

Is The Rise Of China Real

of the United States. Trade accounts for 70 percent of Chinas GDP (Venables and Yueh, 2006). By comparison, trade accounts for 20...

China's Role in the International Steel Industry

and put them to sound business use meant to be the only ones doing so. Business people did not recognize the value of competition...

The American-Chinese Trade Relationship: The Impact of China’s Export on the US Trade Deficit: A Research Proposal

trade agreements, Chinas economy has expanded significantly. Research Question/Hypotheses The research question that will be th...

Conducting Business in China

despite the fact that it is a communist state. Trade between the U.S. and China is important in the scheme of things and nowhere i...

International Trade

begun following the example of private corporations. Some governments, such as the state of Florida, have outsourced their entire ...

NAFTA, the FTAA, the FTA, and Other Trade Regulations

terms of the trade determine how the gains from trade are distributed among the trading partners. Both parties must have somethin...

The Philippines As a Potential Business Destination

the GDP per capita is only $5,000 (CIA, 2007). The growth rate for 2006 was 5.4%, therefore, for poverty to be alleviated there wo...

Lenovo; Marketing Strategy Analysis

takeover of the PC division would have on the existing consumer base. Lenovo understood the two is key to keep that consum...

Success of China and Contributing Factors

China entered world markets through an open-door policy which affected trade and investment...