Essays 151 - 180

Telecom Environmental Marketing Audit

true globalization is progressing dramatically. Currently there is a battle of technologies underway, but it appears that attenti...

Distribution and Marketing Case Study of USA Today

In ten pages this paper examines marketing and distribution systems of USA Today in a case study consisting of ten pages. Five so...

Unionized Environmental Productivity and Morale Improvements, Part II

In five pages this paper's second part examines work environments that are are unionized and the segmentations that exist that can...

Marketing Case Study of USA Today's Website

that the paper offered in terms on a non subscription was originally meant to be a short term service as they subscribed to the ne...

Legislative Process and the USA Patriot Act

geared to protect the homeland, something that Americans were desperately searching for at the time. But is it safe to ass...

Value Chain Analysis Concept and Strategy

will conduct a simulated VCA for two companies; Waterford Wedgwood USA, and The Kerry Group. In each of these companies, we will ...

Marketing Analysis of USA Today

McPaper: The Inside Story of USA Today, which was written by Peter Prichard. Situation In this section, the student would ...

An Article by Dan Reed on the Chapter Eleven Filing by United Airlines Reviewed

In five pages an article that was featured in USA Today is evaluated in terms of its intended audience with a consideration of eth...


U.S. governments ability to examine terrorism financing and money laundering as well as allowing the government to closely examine...

Creating Paranoia Post-September 11, 2001: The U.S.A. Patriot Act

Within 3 pages, the U.S.A. Patriot Act is analyzed for the reassurance it is supposed to provide to the American people and the su...


really doing anything about it. Certainly, Sales notes, information sharing means intelligence members can do a better job of conn...

Valuing a Firm

There are many ways that firms may be valued, with investors seeking to find models to help them assess the real value of a firm. ...

Canada's English and French Media Coverage of America's "Secure Flight" Program

with certain distinctive trends developing. In his article entitled "Privacy vs. Security: U.S. Wants Names of Canadian Air Pa...

Free Trade's Significance

as the country of origin. There are also items that due to climactic conditions are favored. Fruits, meats, and other things that ...

Free Trade's Positive and Negative Attributes

In five pages the concepts of Adam Smith are included in this theoretical assessment of free trade's beneficial and detrimental as...

World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Origins and Objectives

initially established as a customs union that possessed free trade among the Member States, has also been instrumental in levying ...

World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Origins

GATT, it is different and it replaces the GATT (Iowa State University, nd). The GATT was basically a set of rules that had no inst...

Robert E. Scott's The U.S. Trade Deficit Trading Away Our Future

US House of Representatives' testimoney of Robert E. Scott entitled 'The U.S. Trade Deficit: Are We Trading Away Our Future?' is d...

Fur Trade and Iroquois' Fur Trade Wars of the 17th Century

warfare. Complicated system of alliances Political alliances among the Iroquois were divided into two categories: historical and ...

Colonial America, England and Atlantic Slave Trade's Role

early seventeen hundreds that the slave population was sufficient enough to make an economic impact, and hen it was centered prima...

Trade Goals and Trade Sanctions

a stick to strike him with if necessary. This month, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman (2000) has said the Clinton...

Integration Trade, the EU, and the Future of Regional Trade Agreements

In ten pages this paper examines the European Union in a consideration of why it was formed, David Ricardo's global trade theory, ...

International Trade and Trade Tariff Influences

In eleven pages this paper discusses how global trade is influence by tariffs in a consideration of retaliation, protection, and i...

MERCOSUR Trade Free Trade Area and South American Interdependence

In five pages this paper examines the MERCOSUR free trade agreement and its importance as it relates to South American interdepend...

Global Focus Increased Through Asian Trade and International Trade Models

In sixty pages this research paper discusses Asia trade, applies various trade models, and then considers the effects of technolog...

South American Drug Trade's Historical Roots

In eleven pages this paper considers the economic beginnings of the drug trade in South America in retracing of its historical roo...

US Trade from the Smoot Hawley Tariff to the North American Free Trade Agreement

1930 to 1998 trade policies of the United States are considered in this paper consisting of fifteen pages in which significant act...

Trading and Trade Sanctions

or selective sanctions. There is little doubt that one of the impacts seen in any economy that is suffering the impact of broad tr...

U.S.-South Korea Trade Agreements

(Korea, 2007). Among the products now manufactured in the South are chemicals, automobiles, "electrical and electronic equipment,"...

Trade Structure and Patterns of the UK

most important single market (WTO, 2007). The prominence of this is due to the free trade area and the development of trading lin...