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Unemployment Article Examined

either for or against free trade, Suranovic (2002) distinguishes between economy types and external pressures. While in a "...

The Influence of Unemployment on the US Economy

in 2011, which continues into 2012, with the April 2012 having an unemployment rate of 8.1%, but this increased to 8.2%. The pat...

Southwark; Profile and Youth Unemployment

and 7.7% other white) (Southwark Alliance, 2006). Second to the white population the next most popular group are black groups, mak...

Unemployment in the US

projections that indicate further rises in the future. However, it may also be argued that nationally it is not really an issue as...

Social Effects of Unemployment Compensation

of employment vs. unemployment that is directly linked to the filing for unemployment compensation. Essentially, employment figur...

Perfect Competition and Unemployment

can make judgements regarding what purchases to make in a more informed manner. The products or service will usually be di...

The Roller Coaster Ride of Unemployment

of the WTC attacks" (Parrott, 2002). In addition, the Bush administration has done nothing to stop companies from sending jobs off...

Roger Daniels' 'Rise of Anti Immigrant Sentiment' Reviewed

laws for Congress to pass including barring immigrants from holding major office, forbidding paupers, criminals and mentally distu...

Articles VIII and X of 1998's The Human Rights Act

Court interpretation of Article 8 and Article 10 of 1998's Human Rights Act is examined in 7 pages....

The Problem of Unemployment in the Nigerian Graduate Population

is reliant on the oil sector. It is highly likely that the unemployment within graduates results from a mismatch due to the struct...

Unemployment's Importance

is on the way down, and certainly other economic indicators suggest positive changes, there are still many people out of work. Eco...

Why the 2009 Stimulus Package Failed

buy inputs from suppliers, increasing the demand for their goods and stimulating the jobs in the upstream supply chain. The suppli...

Hyperinflation and Unemployment - An Overview

employees towards jobs to which they are better suited. Hyperinflation Hyperinflation refers to a state of economic instabilit...

Economic Prosperity and Rates of Unemployment

50 percent of their annual gains to the incredibly inefficient government. The unemployment rate began to ease as Reagans trickle...

Social Disorder and Unemployment

This 4 page paper discusses issues such as wages, labor, unemployment, length of the work week, etc. The writer argues that increa...

US Unemployment, Globalization and Immigration

In eight pages this paper discusses US unemployment issues with the concentration being the impacts of globalization and immigrati...

Unemployment; Impact on Apollo Inc.

economic cycles which have been seen. In figure 1 the unemployment level is shining with the pink bands showing the periods of rec...

Types and Sources of Unemployment and Their Impact on the Economy, 1Q2000

the face of business continues to change. Business is more competitive than ever before, and increasing numbers of manufacturers ...

U.S. Economy During the Presidencies of George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush

that can control things such a taxes. They are also involved in appointments to economic posts, such as Secretary of the Treasury ...

The Central Reasons for Unemployment

growing rate of unemployment is that the workplace has changed considerably in the past few years. Most craftsman type jobs have ...

The Employment Situations in California and in America as a Whole

with links to Silicon Valley, but the "ripple effect" carried over into the myriad support businesses that depended on the revenue...

The Relationship Between Economic Growth and Unemployment The writer looks at the relationship which exists between economic growt...

A Political Science Research Article Synopsis

In a paper consisting of ten pages an article synopsis considers a research study that compares US and Great Britain in terms of a...


gas station, supermarket and bank robberies; shoplifting; residential burglaries and theft of motor vehicle parts). For each targe...

Summary/Article on Unemployment Benefits

sufficient leeway to earn a living. Therefore, employers should consider the questions related in the article, such as whether or ...

Enforced Leisure and Its Dangers

Much of Europe always has predisposed to "big government" and a view that the government needs to oversee the welfare of its citiz...

Nursing: Article Reviews

some determining the study was inconclusive, others saying certain interventions should be made universal and still others stating...

Academic Article Publishing Suitability

In seven pages this student supplied case study assesses an academic article's suitability for journal publishing....

Articles on Marketing and Business Reviewed

In twenty four pages articles pertaining to marketing and business are reviewed with citations for each article included....

Unemployment is the Primary Concern

The real unemployment rate is about twice that which is reported by the media. Either report is deceiving - the BLS reports only t...