YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Unified Christian Belief

Essays 271 - 300

Old Values in The Sovereignty and Goodness of God by Mary Rowlandson and A Model of Christian Charity by John Winthrop

In ten pages this paper examines old beliefs and values and how they impacted upon behavior as revealed in these two texts from ea...

Vietnamese Culture Overview

In five pages this overview of Vietnamese culture includes history and heritage, belief and values, norms, customs, symbols, insti...

Theology of the Old Testament

In thirteen pages this paper examines Child's Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Chris...

Mortimer Jerome Adler's How to Think About God

anything other than concepts to emanate from an approved religion is ridiculous. In fact, taking the concept of God and analyzing ...

Faith of Dante Alighieri in Divine Comedy

In five pages this paper discuses how within the poetic narrative Dante reinforces the Christian faith attitudes and also embraces...

Epic of Gilgamesh and Philosophy

In six pages this report discusses how the beliefs and philosophies of the ancient culture of Mesopotamia are reflected in The Epi...

Fantasy Literature for Children and Spiritual and Christian Symbolism

In seven pages George MacDonald's The Princess and the Goblin and C.S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe are compared ...

Unbeliever's Understanding of Divine Reality

In six pages divine reality is examined in order to provide the unbeliever with understanding with the contention that following o...

Socializatoin and Doctrine of Christianity

In five pages Christian doctrine is examined and its significance in terms of norm and societal more development as well as social...

Comparative Analysis of Floods in the Epic of Gilgamesh and in Genesis

olive branch, proving that there is land above water once again. A rainbow appears in the sky as a sign that God will not...

Daoism Influence Upon China's Taiping Rebellion

In six pages this paper discusses how Daoist beliefs influenced China's Taiping rebellion. Four sources are cited in the bibliogr...

Issues Pertaining to Economic Philosophy

This research paper examines eight questions that pertain to issues concerning economic philosophy. The topics addressed include t...

18th Century Quaker John Woolman

In five pages this paper discusses the life and beliefs of John Woolman and what influence this 18th century Quaker. Five sources...

Medieval Iberia Readings from Christian, Muslim and Jewish Sources and Religious Identity

In five pages this paper examines how in Medieval Iberia, Christians, Muslims, and Jews endeavored to establish their own religiou...

Medieval Spain and Treatment of Muslims

surrounded by Arabs who believed in God at the time, but things were strained. He saw a great deal of turmoil and destruction. Of ...

The Moment of Conception and the Abortion Issue

In this paper containing five pages the issues of personal belief, fetal development and conception circumstances such as rape are...

Legislative Injustice and Minority Cultures

This paper examines how legislation can discriminate against certain minority groups and their cultural beliefs. This fourteen pa...

Jesus/Human Relationships Above the Law

contemporary mindset, the word "law" refers to civil law, which is enforced by the police and government officials. As Jesus indic...

Ethics and Morality Basis in Biblical Law

In five pages an examination of whether Christian law is the basis of ethical and moral law or the other way around is discussed i...

Women’s Rights and Islam: Sunni vs Shia

to confront the first Caliph of the Islamic nation. The Shiites, in contrast, felt like this position was destined to be filled w...

Business Cannot Ignore Pollution: It is a Matter of Life, Death, and Ethics

of wildlife and marine life are being endangered as well. Business must make a better effort to solve pollution problems not simp...

Beti/Poor Christ of Bomba

see the truth, that is, that the Talas supposed conversion to Christianity is a delusion. A principal focus of Drumonts evangeli...

Karen Carpenter’s On Top of the World and Christian Faith

Karen when she sang it, but she did not write the lyrics or the song and as such they are not "directly reflective" of personal ex...

Ideology and Religion of Islam

In twenty one pages this paper discusses ideology and religious practices of Islam in a consideration of cultural misconceptions b...

Comparing Religions in Fundamental and Historical Ways

further, a historical religion while Hinduism cannot be traced to one particular person or era (1998). Further, while Islam is dep...

Christian Views of George W. Bush

In five pages this paper discusses George W. Bush's Christian views and his distancing himself from powerful religious public figu...

Paul's Christian Understanding and Faith Message in the Corinthians First Epistle, Chapter 15

as an example to those sinners. His central message preaches the truth that the grace of God is still available and attainable fo...

Elizabeth A. Johnson's Women, Earth and Creator Spirit and a Response

environment. This is because theology has classical pictured humanity as being above the earth in the universal hierarchy rather t...

Christian Themes in the Surrealist Paintings of Salvador Dali

themes, brought to life in his symbolistic style of painting. These paintings are characterized by meticulous draftsmanship and ...

Treating Others and Religion

In eighteen pages this paper discusses the treatment of others who have different religious beliefs in this consideration of perse...