YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Using the Internet to Build a Competitive Brain Trust

Essays 271 - 300

Competitive Strategies: Wal-Mart

albeit, they do not produce the goods but they do employ cost leadership strategies. The stores began by offering products at pric...

Analysis of Nucor Corporation Analysis

as a team (Wall Street Transcript Corp., 2002). Gambardella also commented that one of Nucors strengths is its management team (20...

Database Management and Use

the past has been a repository of past events, a record of organizational history in several areas. "But these days we expect mor...

Recycling Mobile Telephones; A B2B Marketing Plan

This 10 page paper outlines a marketing plan for a company looking at the reverse supply chain to acquire second hand mobile (cell...

Collecting and Using Marketing Data; The Case of Tesco

years is so valuable that Tesco has bought out the IT compnay that used electronic data transfer to collect and analysis the data....

Porter's Five Forces Model A Modern Look

can look at each of these forces individually, and the traditional view that accompanies them regarding the different positions. ...

Data Mining and Business Intelligence

in the United States, decided to purchase Model 1. V. Conclusion Those businesses which apply data mining tools will have the adva...

Business Studies' Project Reflective Learning Document

In twenty four pages this business studies' project's reflective learning document includes learning theories such as those by Lew...

The Carnival Cruise Line

not have a vision statement, however, according to their annual report they do have the aim of being the best known brand for crui...

Information Technology and Competitive Advantage

A literature review of information technology and how it can be used to acquire competitive advantage consists of five pages. Sev...

Business and Information Technology

In five pages this paper explores the many business uses of information technology in a consideration of competitive advantage and...

Internet and Pirating Software

In five pages this paper examines the role of the Internet in increased software piracy with recommendations offered regarding tou...

Research Proposal on Hong Kong eCommerce Challenges

In twenty four pages Internet business in Hong Kong is examined in a research proposal that focuses upon ecommerce challenges and ...

Overview of Canada's Service Delivery

In six pages this paper examines the Internet's significance in Canada's service delivery in this overview. Five sources are cite...

Internet and White Collar Crime

1996, but it is up to the FCC to interpret the law and establish the rules for how the law will be implemented" (Fletcher 62). I....


which many telephone companies adopted for the basis of their telecommunications system (Gig, 2000). The potential for VoIP is t...

Addressing Scheme of Internet Protocol Version IV

In ten pages the growth of the Internet is examined within the context of the addressing scheme of Version 4 of Internet Protocol....

Marketing Strategies and Hotels' Operations

In five pages this paper examines hotel chains' approaches to operations and various marketing strategies in a consdieration of th...

New Social Formation Resulting from Cyberspace

In a paper consisting of 8 pages new social formations resulting from cyberspace is examined in terms of Internet addiction and th...

Internet and Intellectual Capital Innovation

In sixteen pages this paper chronicles the development of the Internet from its earliest ARPANET beginnings and also considers how...

Real Estate and the Internet's Impact

In seven pages this paper examines the commercial and residential real estate industry in terms of how each has been affected by t...

Internet Communication

This 10 page paper examines the ways in which the Internet makes up for the lack of channels that carry visual and audio signals w...

Internet and Education

In twenty pages the Internet and its impact on education are considered with a discussion of such relevant topics as Internet rese...

Brief Overview of the Internet

This paper consists of five pages and considers the Internet's history, past, present, and what the future of cyberspace will hold...

Using Technology to Help Teach World History

This 5 page paper discusses ways to use the computer, Internet and other technology to teach world history. The writer argues that...

The Application of Censorship Rules for Internet Content

5 pages and 5 sources. This paper provides an overview of the issue of applying censorship rules to the content material on the I...

Cluetrain and Marketing Guru Design

In five pages this paper discusses a 'Cluetrain' webpage that reveals the innovation of new marketing gurus that embrace the Inter...

The Internet and Pornography

There has been much discussion on pornography and the Internet. The law is discussed in depth as well as the morality of allowing ...

Cyberculture and Its Sociological Ramifications

In ten pages this paper examines the mutual changes resulting from the relationship between society and Internet technology in a c...

Internet and Health Care

In five pages this paper examines health care and how providers are able to utilize services provided by the Internet and also con...