YOU WERE LOOKING FOR :Victorian Literature and Women

Essays 1 - 30

View of E.M. Forster's Room with a View

In five pages this paper discusses a young woman's healthy development as presented in E.M. Forster's Victorian novel Room with a ...

Showalter, Culture and Literature

formalist-structuralist critics have evaded the issue of sexual identity entirely or dismissed it as irrelevant and subjective" (S...

Victorian Literature Characters

comes to represent the underdog of lifes unrelenting disappointments, forever struggling with issues of control. "The subsidiary ...

Bronte's Jane Eyre and Female Emancipation

her intellectualism, Bertha is a victim of her own sexual desires. Bronte tried to provide a useful guide to women of her time in ...

Women in the Church: A Historical Overview

embraced by the church. Although it is true that some denominations do not allow women to run things, many denominations such as t...

Victorian Literature and Women

In five pages this paper discusses how social commentary during the Victorian Age was expressed through female characterizations i...

Literature Review for Use in a Project on Leadership in Kuwait

or values. It is by understanding leadership and its influences that the way leadership may be encouraged and developed in the con...

Marriage During the Victorian Era and Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse

and mother. Nor does she seem to have regretted that - basically, she had no choice in the matter. Mr. Ramsay...

Chopin/Story of an Hour

is, the Victorian era, it becomes clear that Louise Mallard is a normal woman who loves her husband and will grieve for him, but w...

Great Britain During the Victorian Age and the Roles of Women

police and the criminal justice system as well as voluntary workers and professional helpers (van Dijk, 2002). Prior to 1970, v...

Analysis of 'The Yellow Wallpaper' by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

She is never allowed any control over her environment or her circumstances. Her opinions are always discounted by her husband. Whe...

Victorian Age Hypocrisy and Advice

In five pages the hypocrisy of advice and attitudes in America during the Victorian era pertaining to women's sexuality is discuss...

Identity and Gender Reflections in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth and Kate Chopin's The Awakening

it threatened who she was as a member of the white race and the upper classes. Therefore, it can be seen that Ednas desire to pa...

Women in Three Hardy Novels

This 6 page paper explores the status of women in the Victorian era by examining the way they are presented in three Hardy novels,...

Women in Art of the Victorian Age

of a woman reader, conventionally prim from the waist up, but with her stockinged legs arranged in the position of a side saddle r...

Edna Pontellier's Importance to The Awakening by Kate Chopin

In five pages the significance of Edna to the novella by Kate Chopin and how she symbolically represents Victorian women's desire ...

Analysis of Kate Chopin's Short Story 'The Story of an Hour'

In five pages this paper presents an analysis of this short story in terms of how imagery, similes, foreshadowing and parallelism ...

Mill Verses Tennyson Verses Gaskell, A Comparison of The Subjection of Women, The Princess and North and South

This six page paper considers the societal roles expected of Victorian women. John Stewart Mill, Tennyson, and Elizabeth Gaskell ...

Yellow Wallpaper & Female Marginalization

century and also well into the twentieth, what historian Barbara Welter refers to as the "Cult of True Womanhood" characterized ho...

Effect of Childhood Experience of Sex Abuse on Marriage

a history of child abuse has an effect on their marriages. Literature review While it is generally accepted by the vast majority...

Victorian Women's Fallen Status in the Works of Charles Dickens

values, and sin versus redemption. The cycle of Pips life illustrates how Pip went from being an innocent boy, into being an arrog...

Victorian Age and Changing Women's Roles

The underclass practically disappeared (1995). While this is the case, one has to understand how gender played a part in comprehe...

Victorian England and the Differences Between Men's and Women's Roles

era was a time of cultural renewal that saw significant declines in crime and social vices ("The Big," 1998). She also notes that ...

Development of Literature: Medieval to Victorian

to arise in the world of literature, and poems that were fictional, rather than based on actual events (Medieval ...

Self-Esteem and the Impact of Advertising

In a paper of eight pages, the writer looks at advertising and its impact on women's self-esteem. The view that advertisers target...

Women in Works Such as Jane Eyre, The Scarlet Letter, and Lysistrata

This paper contrasts and compares various female characters throughout the history of literature which includes Lysistrata, Jane E...

Richard Altick's Victorian People and Ideas

In six pages various aspects of the Victorian period such as changes and Tennyson's contributions are examined within the context ...

Edith Wharton, Charles Dickens, and Charlotte Bronte on Experience and Innocence

In 5 pages the themes of innocence and experience as they are depicted in these Victorian and post Victorian literary works The Ho...

Major Female Characters in Mohicans and Van Winkle

Women had few meaty roles in early American literature. This report deals with Cora and Alice Munro from The Last of the Mohicans...

Examples of Victorian and English Literary Terms

(Arnold 2062). Expressionism : A movement that affected both painting and literature that attempted to exceed impressionism in "...