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Violating Nursing Protocol

illustrates how she ignored the potential for causing harm when she increased the patients drugs; only after the medication had be...

Church and State in the 1992 U.S. Supreme Court Case of Lee v. Weisman 505

In eight pages this paper discusses whether or not the First Amendment rights are being violated by a school function's religious ...

Nursing Practice/Texas

(BNE:NPA, 2006). To investigate for heart disease was clearly indicated by physicians orders and, furthermore, Eddie failed to not...

Overview of WAP Technology

and HTTP, but it also adds in an optimization for allows for low-bandwidth, low memory, and low-display capability environments (I...

Anxiety Concept Analysis

of anxiety, and relate these to nursing studies, protocols for care and general theory and practice. As a result, this study will...

Congestive Heart Failure, A Change Proposal for a PICU

(Mitsnefes, 2008). The survival rate for children with CKS is low, as children receiving dialysis live between 40 and 60 years les...

Protocol Layering Advantages and Disadvantages

includes the syntax of messages, the terminal to computer dialogue, and the sequencing of messages and character sets (2003). The...

7 Nursing Theory Issues

patient was in a significant amount of pain, he made jokes throughout his entire stay, as family members remained at his bedside. ...

Complex Problems Solved Through Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

The word protocol is derived from protocollon, a Greek word that was used to refer to a single paper included with a manuscript th...

The Uses of TCP/IP Protocol Today

their old SNA (systems network architecture) for crucial applications (Passmore, 1997) as real or potential hybridization of netwo...

Reducing Falls Rates - Presentation of a Proposal

The paper is a presentation made up 12 slides and notes for the speaker. The presentation outlines a protocol for a new multifact...

Nursing and Bullying

This research paper pertains to the standards published by the Joint Commission on the issue of bullying in the hospital workplace...

An Overview of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

etiology of the disease is not well understood, but substantive research suggests that individuals who suffer from ALS have mutati...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

individual is an "open system," which includes "distinct, but integrated physiological, psychological and socio-cultural systems" ...

Common Management Information Protocol and Simple Network Management Protocol

facility to system administrators to manage their networks with the location and resolution of problems and planning for the growt...

New Nurses Survival Guide

2008, p. 208). The purpose of the study designed by Sorensen and Yankech (2008) was to investigate whether a "research-based, th...

Peplau and Orem/Core Concepts

begins with "orientation," which is a period in which the nurse and the patient become acquainted. The relationship then proceeds ...

Nursing Leadership, Advocacy & Responsibilities

Leadership and management while related are two distinctively different concepts. Leadership can be discerned from simply manageme...

Humanistic Leadership & Nursing Unions

with humanity, that is, to be humanistic in ones orientation refers to the principles of humanism, which has been given a variety ...

Conceptual, Philosophical, Legal And Ethical Foundations And Processes Inherent To Professional Nursing Practice

there a time when an individuals interests supersede those of the masses? These are ethical questions posed each and everyday thr...

Nursing Management/Retention Issues

that not only were nurses retained but that everyone on staff is motivated to be actively engaged and involved in the work environ...

Oral Hygiene Protocol and Nursing Practice

Hanson (2004) recommends a toothbrush, but specifies that it should be soft and that non-abrasive toothpaste should be selected. P...

DVT and Evidence-Based Practice

breath (King, 2003, p. 24). The factors comprising the triad are "venous stasis, vessel wall damage and coagulation changes" (Van ...

Elements of Psychiatric Nursing Practice

who is the legal guardian, as this pertains to the legality of admitting a minor for psychiatric care. If the patient is accompani...

Following Watson's Example/Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Stimulus for developing of the students personal philosophy The process of nursing education exposes students to diverse clinical...

Why Nurses Leave Clinical Practice?

change the position before completing three years of clinical practice (MacKusick and Minick, 2010). This research article is very...

Organizational Change in St. Vincent's ICU

Hospital. The purpose here is to describe and evaluate the restructuring of St. Vincents ICU to gain one-on-one nursing and so im...

3 Elements of Psychiatric Nursing

cope with ethical situations primarily from experience and only minimally from formal education, which leaves novice nurses with "...

Topics in Community Health Nursing

definitions of community have emerged, with the consequence that, concurrently, definitions of health promotions have also evolved...

Restraint Uses in Psychiatric Nursing

Yet both organizations also observe that, sometimes, it is necessary to use seclusion and restraint, as a last resort, in order to...