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Essays 1 - 30

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Genetic Engineering

In eight pages this paper discusses Brave New World in terms of how Aldous Huxley addressed issues of genetic engineering....

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

there. He has grown up in a society that talks about the World State and so he is curious. He is a reader of Shakespeare and a man...

Virtue in Henry V and Brave New World

are eventually reintroduced to the "regular" world and everyone finds out that John was born of Linda (his mother) and they become...

Disillusioned Characters in Brave New World

this brave and controlled new world. Happiness is a mass illusion in this new world order, and as is the case with most widesprea...

Literature, Society, and the Individual

taken into account. In reading works written a long time ago, such as Antigone as noted above, or Platos Republic as another examp...

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Cloning

In eight pages this paper assesses cloning's advantages and disadvantages as portrayed by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. Six s...

High Modern British Literature and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

In five pages this paper applies an article written by Brian Richardson in an examination of how Brave New World represents high m...

The Life and Works of Aldous Huxley

In a paper consisting of nine pages the amazing life of this social revolutionary particularly as it relates to drug experimentati...

The Savage Reservation

to those not happy enough. Games, work, and social groups are structured to keep everyone content. "But (in this Brave New World, ...

Competition for Christianity

In a paper consisting of 5 pages works such as 'Notes from the Underground' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 'Brave New World' by Aldous Hux...

The Sociological Impact of Biotechnology

The writer discusses Brave New World and Gattaca as a starting point to discuss common fears of advanced biotechnology. The paper ...

Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Happiness

In five pages this paper examines happiness as reflected in two oppositional views presented in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. ...

A Comparison of "1984" and "Brave New World"

This 5 page essay explores George Orwell's futuristic book 1984 and contrasts it with Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. 4 sources ...

Comparing Utopian Societies

our own society. Consider how the general population views its government and the politicians who hold political office. What we...

Abortion and Aldous Huxley

of abortion is a selfish act and as such the president is justified in banning the bill. Huxley believed that power in the hands ...

Engineering or Evolution in Aldous Huxley and Charles Darwin

nothing)" (The origin of species, 2005). But this was countered by "James Huttons uniformitarian theory of 1785 [which] envisione...

Brave New World as a Blueprint for America’s Future

Social stability, in Huxleys nightmare vision, depends on making "[S]tandard men and women; in uniform batches" (Huxley). It turns...

Critical Response to Brave New World

Aldous Huxley has no right to betray the future as he did in that book" (Watt 16). Critic Wyndman Lewis agreed with Wells, and ref...

Brave New World: Realistic?

(Huxley 91). In addition, the people in the novel are not all equal, as noted in the following critique: "the adults are raised by...

Fulfillment of Predictions Aldous Huxley Made in Brave New World Revisited

Huxley considers how the survival of a democracy depends upon frequent information exchanges, which is what made the medium of tel...

Thoreau vs. Huxley

to mean that it is weak or ineffective. Thoreaus observations of his own inner life, the life of the pond, and the life of all of ...

Aldous Huxley, Life and Works

20th century possessed a "rigid class structure"-to a large extent it still does-and that was clearly shown in the novel (Aldous H...

Brave New World

one that is ruled by sedation in many ways. There are no mothers, no fathers, no life long commitments, and a control through the ...

A Flawed Analysis of Huxley

factor in American life; that and technology in all its glory, which has no faults whatever. This paper is a response to Jonestown...

A Flawed Analysis of Huxley’s Dystopian Novel

factor in American life; that and technology in all its glory, which has no faults whatever. This paper is a response to Jonestown...

Happiness and Individuality According to Socrates and Huxley

wish, they have other freedoms that are perhaps not as obvious. Brave New World supports the hedonistic view. That is, Huxley (199...

Happiness and Individuality/Socrates and Huxley

individuality and happiness are intrinsically related, as the achievement of personal happiness is associated with obtaining the i...

Brave New World and Social Criticisms

In a paper of seven pages, the writer looks at Brave New World. The themes of the book are analyzed as instances of social critici...

Dystopian Future of Technology

This 5 page paper gives an overview of how the future may be influenced by technology. This paper includes a reflection of the nov...

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

In five ways the protagonist Frederic Henry's transformation from boy to man through his wartime experience and romance with Cathe...