Essays 1 - 30

Lu Xun's A Small Incident and Vo Phien's The Key

These short stories and their themes of birthplace separation are compared in a report consisting of five pages. There are no oth...

Vo Phien: "The Key"

ship dropped anchor "at 3 a.m. July 5, 1975" and passengers began to disembark (Phien). The first thing that greeted them was a ho...

Essential Strategies

and defined two types of competitive advantage. These are cost advantage and differentiation. These are two different ways a compe...

London's Early History

for his death (Wells, 1931, 469). In effect, Caesar was consumed with one goal: to satisfy the desires and urges of Caesar. Well...

Social Concerns in Latin American Colonial Times

remained the same as the wealthy white merchants and elite maintained control of the economic monopoly. Neighborhoods were not onl...

Catholic Social Teaching

faith" (Sharing Catholic). This document explains that Catholic social teaching is founded on a "commitment to the poor," which ar...

The Use of Prime Numbers in Cryptography

a pair. Of the two keys one is a private and one of the public key. The public key may be distributed widely, where as the private...

An Original UK Business Startup Plan

to other businesses, such as the gaining of customers and setting up of suppliers, finding and maintaining premises and the recrui...

Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy and the Concept of Rights

the issue of rights we may start with the theoretical foundation of the role that rights and the way these are seen in terms of e...

Hoshin Planning Process

2009). These indicators are pre-determined and quantifiable (Reh, 2009). They will differ depending on the type of business. Very ...

Management Lessons from Proper Confidence

vision and they are passionately committed to that vision. The most effective leaders are capable of having others adopt the vis...

Key Customer Account Programs - Challenges for Implementation and Maintenance

et al., 2008). It may be argued that one of IBMs problems and to the changes being in the beginning of the 21st century the frag...

The Role of Management

Management plays an important role in the modern organization. This paper identifying the key tasks, looking at what should be do...

Christian Issues, Key Concepts

This essay pertains to theological issues and how they impact mission work, The paper closes by proposing a mission project that i...

Learning Teams, Key Communication Skills

This essay pertains to team-based learning (TBL) and the key communication skills that influence its success and effectiveness. Th...

Health Educators and their Key Responsibilities

In a paper of three pages, the writer looks at health educator responsibilities. Anecdotal examples are given for each of the seve...

Great Expectations - Key Passages

In a paper of two pages, the writer looks at Great Expectations. Five critical quotes from the novel are analyzed. Paper uses one ...

Key Components of Leases - A Model Analysis

obligations that must be upheld by all members signing the contract, in order for the goal of the contract to be successfully fulf...

Why Teams Win: 9 Keys to Success in Business, Sport, and Beyond by Saul Miller

health care and the arts is when teams achieve a "synergy of intelligence, energy, talent and spirit" (Miller, 2009, p. 8). Mill...

Aligning Project Performance with Key Performance Indicators in the Public Sector

the community, with the role being fulfilled with integrity, sound judgement and common sense (Anonymous, 1996, p.xii). The role...

Change and Crisis Caused by the Sudden Departure of a Key Worker

in order to operate. A sudden departure reduces the resources that are available, and creates a shortage. The question for the emp...

Three Key Similarities in the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution

Three Key Similarities in the Articles of Confederation and the US This paper addresses both the similarities and the differences ...


jeans that the celebrities wear. This is exactly what the True Religion Jeans marketing strategy focuses on. However, in th...

Key Events in Colonial and Native Interactions

as being better than Native Americans in some way. The English and the American colonist neither understood Native culture nor did...

Key People, Structure and Dispute Resolution in a Healthcare Organization

their relevant chiefs. This creates a complex organizational structure, as in addition to the organization to departments the has...

Database Platforms - The Key Elements

Language, or SQL, is a very popular computer language. Designed to manage databases, several programs rely on SQL to produce quick...

Juvenile Justice Bulletin: Key Points

2001 findings, with 43% black and 55% white juveniles arrested for violent crimes when the overall juvenile population that year r...

An Overview of Public Key Cryptography

easily ("Public key cryptography," 2009). Hence, the private key information is safeguarded. Even when sophisticated mechanisms ar...

Key Behaviorist Theory Terms

that decreases the occurrence of or eliminates a behavior (Boeree, 2006). A good example is the child always talking out in class....