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Essays 1 - 30

Why Abortion is Ethical and Should Be Legal in the Society of the Twenty First Century

moral and legal issues under constant debate over the issue of abortion but many of them are misleading, use misinformation and ar...

Why Abortion Should Be Legal

like those. Again, when a woman is raped she does not want the burden of having offspring tied to such a horrific event. This is p...

Abortion in the United States

the fact that regardless of whether or not abortions are legal, women will still get abortions. These were, and are, referred to a...

Abortion and its Varying Legality

In a paper of ten pages, the writer looks at the issue of abortion. Legal cases are explored, highlighting the often contradictory...

Legalizing Abortion

are not right to lifers, the idea that someone is not born would immediately prompt the idea that the individual is not a person. ...

In Favor of Abortion

at the moment of birth, then there is no ethical dilemma with abortion. The ethics of the matter come down to a definition, which...

Abortion Yes No or Maybe

The topic of abortion never fails to be surrounded by controversy. Most think that this is...

Prochoice v. Prolife

Abortion is a hotly contested controversy in the United States. There is a very long history of abortion. Ancient and medieval civ...

Why Isn’t the Prochoice Argument Applied to Prostitution and Drug Use?

The abortion debate is characterized by two camps of argument. These camps are the...

Views on Abortion

or not having the right to life" (Marquis 241). Therefore, Marquis, more or less, examines what it is that makes killing any human...

Legal Book Reviews as Norval Morris Might Perceive them

This paper discusses how noted legal scholar Noval Morris would review the texts Basic Concepts of Legal Thought by George P. Flet...

The Physical Realm According to Rene Descartes

examine carefully Descartes famous "cogito ergo sum" statement, which was the original Latin for "I think, therefore I exist" - or...

Ethics of Aborting a Product of Rape

play nor a reflection of a womans behavior. Equally disturbing as the act of rape itself is when these acts result in pregnancy. ...

2 Comparative Articles on Abortion

In this paper containing five pages two articles over a ten year period are presented in the ongoing abortion debate. In a 1985 a...

Abortion: Two Opinions

By having a choice, legally, this creates a society wherein women do not have to hide, try to conduct abortions on their own, or s...

Six Articles on Abortion Summarized

age, the number who had abortions fell from 24 in 1994 to 21 in 2000." However, at the same time, "they found abortions were incre...

Argument Against Abortion

be religious or Christian to believe that abortion is wrong, and that abortion is murder. One need not rely on the words in the Bi...


viable human being but that in itself should indicate that a human being has no right to take the life of a fetus because it is no...

Self, Legitimacy, and Democracy in Habermas and Connolly

I. HABERMAS The social, political, economical and religious activities experienced in everyday life represent the very esse...

Nature Versus Industrialization

their lives and they were willing to offer such gifts to others, symbolic of their natural existence and nature as giving people....

Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell

that the "most powerful reason (for believing in religion) is the wish for safety, a sort of feeling that there is big brother wh...

The Issues Surrounding Abortion

A paper containing 8 pages the history of abortion, its evolving legal status as well as medical, social, and religious aspects of...

Abortion, Surrogacy and Men

providing women with more civil, political and social rights, the traditions of patriarchy and male control of reproduction still ...

Significant Constitutional Issues

In nine pages this paper examines issues important to constitutional history including the Equal Rights Amendment, affirmative act...

Abortion and Ethical Considerations

In five pages this paper argues that despite any of the personal or ethical considerations that continue to surround the abortion ...

An Argument in Support of Abortion

then do total strangers intrude into this womans life to force their beliefs on her? I do think that anti-abortionists ferventl...

Quick Lube Case Study

to the past relationship between Super Lube and the franchisee. However, the main issue is that power that Houston will have over ...

Fr. Andrew Greeley Book

This essay discusses one of Fr. Andrew Greeley's many books. The topic of this essay is: Great Mysteries: Experiencing the Catholi...

Illegality of Abortion

is a decision that is not necessarily good for the child. Children must come first as they never asked to be created or born. They...

Pro-Choice and Abortions

This 3 page paper gives an example of a persuasive essay about abortion. This paper includes examples of why pro-choice is the cor...